
Despre revistă
Domenii ştiinţifice
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Anul fondării  2017
Universitatea de Stat „Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu“, Cahul
Tirajul revistei   120
Vizibilitate internațională
Caracteristica articolelor
Limba de publicare
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2021-09-15 04:19
Colegiul de redacţie
Vizibilitatea autorilor

Numărul curent

  Nr. 2 / 2020  (2 din 2)12    CZU
 2020  (2 din 2)27    
Nr. 2(8)12CZU
Nr. 1(7)15CZU
 2019  (2 din 2)25    
Nr. 2(6)14CZU
Nr. 1(5)11CZU
 2018  (2 din 2)19    
Nr. 2(4)8CZU
Nr. 1(3)11CZU
 2017  (2 din 2)28    
Nr. 2(2)12CZU
Nr. 1(1)16CZU

pISSN: 2587-313X
eISSN: 2587-3121

În ajutorul Colegiului de redacție în procedura de evaluare a revistei.
Notă: Descărcați formularele și completați cu datele lipsă.
Disponibil în IBN pentru perioada:
2017 - 2020

Vizualizări   1515Descărcări   43

Conţinutul numărului de revistă

Concentration and competition in Serbian banking sector4-12

CZU: 336.71

JEL: C38, G21, L10

Bukvic Rajko M.
Capital turnover as determinant factor of the financial performance of industrial enterprises - an empirical analysis13-29

CZU: 336.76

JEL: G31, M41

Nedelcu Ana
The venture capital in modern innovative business: opportunities and prospects for the Republic of Moldova30-41

CZU: 334.72(478)

JEL: G24, G31, O31

Miron Oxana
Modernization as the key element of innovative progress and its impact on the socio-economic development42-49

CZU: 334.012.2

JEL: O30, O33, O44

Pepa Taras
Evaluation of effectiveness of innovative modernization of food industry50-56

CZU: 338.45(477)

JEL: L66, C15, C42, C51

Kovalenko Olga , Verbytskyi Sergii , Lysenko Hanna
On some methodological errors in calculations of  profitability of the products sold57-62

CZU: 338.2

JEL: D2, F61, M21

Parmakli Dmitrii , Dudoglo Tatiana
Organizational and economic principles of formation and use of human capital of Ukraine's agrarian sector of economy63-72

CZU: 338.43(477)

JEL: J21, J24, J43, Q10

Grynhuk U. , Utechenko D.
Climate changes in Ukraine: agrarian aspect73-83

CZU: 338.43(477)

JEL: Q10, Q19

Prokopenko Kateryna , Udova Lyudmyla
Pig breeding in Ukraine: current state and problem solving.84-93

CZU: 338.43(477)

JEL: Q10, Q18, L52

Khakhula Bogdan , Svynous Ivan
The influence of drying conditions on the effective moisture diffusivity and energy of activation during the hot air drying of red beetroot94-101

CZU: 338.45

Ceclu Liliana
Study of structure parameters and of absorbtion capacity of activated carbon obtained from wood charcoal 102-107

CZU: 674.8(478)

Cibotaru Silvia
Planning the stages of a license (bachelor) / master thesis with classical methods of graph theory108-115

CZU: 378.2

Bîclea Diana