
Despre revistă
Domenii ştiinţifice
Acces la textul integral
Anul fondării  2017
Universitatea de Stat „Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu“, Cahul
Tirajul revistei   120
Vizibilitate internațională
Caracteristica articolelor
Limba de publicare
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2023-05-14 00:13
Colegiul de redacţie
Vizibilitatea autorilor

Numărul curent

  Nr. 2 / 2020  (2 din 2)12    CZU
 2020  (2 din 2)27    
Nr. 2(8)12CZU
Nr. 1(7)15CZU
 2019  (2 din 2)25    
Nr. 2(6)14CZU
Nr. 1(5)11CZU
 2018  (2 din 2)19    
Nr. 2(4)8CZU
Nr. 1(3)11CZU
 2017  (2 din 2)28    
Nr. 2(2)12CZU
Nr. 1(1)16CZU

pISSN: 2587-313X
eISSN: 2587-3121

În ajutorul Colegiului de redacție în procedura de evaluare a revistei.
Notă: Descărcați formularele și completați cu datele lipsă.
Disponibil în IBN pentru perioada:
2017 - 2020

Vizualizări   822Descărcări   36

Conţinutul numărului de revistă

Formation and management of the enterprise's image as a factor of competitiveness4-14

CZU: 334.72:330.4:330.101.54:330.35

JEL: B21, B22, C1, D2, D6, D7, E6.

Tur Olesya , Tur Olexandr
Due diligence as a tool of entrepreneurship risk15-19

CZU: 657.6.012.16

JEL: M41, C13, D81

Dubinina Maryna , Buganov Oleg
Evaluation of imports of the republic of Belarus20-25

CZU: 339.562(476)

JEL: F10, F13, F17.

Hrechyshkina Olena , Samakhavets Maryia
Applied aspects of analysis and cash-flow management of agricultural enterprises26-31

CZU: 334.72:338.43(477)

JEL: C10, Q14

Kovalenko Olga , Yashchenko Lyudmila , Verbytskyi Sergii
Further prospects for the national agrarian business development in the context of European integration reforms in Ukraine32-39

CZU: 339.94

JEL: Q13, F63

Derii Zhanna , Pepa Taras , Zosymenko Tetiana
Improvement of methodological and methodological approaches to marketing research in the region40-48

CZU: 005.22:332.1:339.138(477)

JEL: M31

Zaharcenco Vitalii , Metil Tetiana
Institutional transformations and efficiency of the agricultural sector of Ukraine49-66

CZU: 061.27:338.439(477)

JEL: E02, Q15

Varchenko Olga , Krysanov Dmytro , Tkachenko Kateryna
Trends and goals of the competitivity of the agricultural sector of the Republic of Moldova67-81

CZU: 338.43:339.14(478)

JEL: Q18, Q19

Popa Andrei
Analytical references regarding the promotion of the right "protection of mother, child and young people"82-93

CZU: 341.231.14(478)

JEL: B54, J13, K38.

Nedelcu Ana
Instagram as a modern visual tool of digitalization94-99

CZU: 659

JEL: O35

Shmygol Nadezhda , Stukonoh Karina
Contributions regarding the improvement of installations for the machining of conductive materials through impulse electric discharges in subexcitation regime100-106

CZU: 620

Bălcănuţă Nicolae
The occurrence of the rope spoilage of bread at Cahulpan bread-making company107-116

CZU: 641/642(478-21)

Rumeus Iurii , Turtoi Maria