Tehnologia bioconversiei deșeurilor organice prin viermicultivare – metodă eficientă de ameliorare a fertilității solului
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908 49
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2022-03-18 14:40
Căutarea după subiecte
similare conform CZU
631.452 (34)
Știința solului. Pedologie. Cercetări pedologice (735)
SM ISO690:2012
CREMENEAC, Larisa, BOCLACI, Tatiana. Tehnologia bioconversiei deșeurilor organice prin viermicultivare – metodă eficientă de ameliorare a fertilității solului. In: Solul şi îngrăşămintele în agricultura contemporană, 6-7 septembrie 2017, Chișinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM, 2017, pp. 74-78. ISBN 978-9975-71-927-8.
EXPORT metadate:
Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Solul şi îngrăşămintele în agricultura contemporană 2017
Conferința "Solul şi îngrăşămintele în agricultura contemporană"
Chișinău, Moldova, 6-7 septembrie 2017

Tehnologia bioconversiei deșeurilor organice prin viermicultivare – metodă eficientă de ameliorare a fertilității solului

CZU: 631.452

Pag. 74-78

Cremeneac Larisa, Boclaci Tatiana
Institutul Ştiinţifico-Practic de Biotehnologii în Zootehnie şi Medicină Veterinară
Disponibil în IBN: 14 martie 2018


The article reflects the role of implementing soil fertility regeneration technology and enhancing the productivity of organic crops by using organic fertilizers obtained by using bioconversion of organic waste by worm’s cultivation that is geared towards the development of organic agriculture. Soil is the main natural wealth of the Republic of Moldova and requires special attention to carryng out agricultural work, considering the composition and particularities of soil, including humus and nutrient value. Therefore, measures are needed to improve soil fertility. The essence of the research was to highlight the role of worm's compost in the improvement of soil quality. To this end, in ETS „Maximovca” was organized an experiment that included three groupes (two – experimental, to fund worm's compost and one – control, the natural background). Observations of soil fertility were conducted in the third year of the influence to the worm's compost. The soil samples were collected by usual methods. As a result of the analyzes, in the soils in the worm's compost lots, the value of the organic matter, exceeded the value of the control lots by 18.7% - 39.5% and of the humus by 15.2% - 24.2%. Therefore, the worm's compost incorporated in dose of 3-4 tonnes/ha over three years improved soil fertility.

Fertility, Humus, soil, organic substance, vermicompost