The soil and climatic conditions of agricultural landscapes Volgograd of region
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63:551.5 (5)
Agricultură și alte științe și tehnici înrudite. Silvicultură. Agricultură. Exploatarea vieții sălbatice (7508)
Meteorologie (489)
SM ISO690:2012
PЕREKRESWTOV, N.. The soil and climatic conditions of agricultural landscapes Volgograd of region. In: Agronomie şi ecologie, 9-11 octombrie 2013, Chişinău. Chişinău: Centrul editorial UASM, 2013, Vol.39, pp. 67-69. ISBN 978-9975-64-250-7.
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Agronomie şi ecologie
Vol.39, 2013
Simpozionul "Agricultura Modernă – Realizări şi Perspective"
Chişinău, Moldova, 9-11 octombrie 2013

The soil and climatic conditions of agricultural landscapes Volgograd of region

CZU: 63:551.5

Pag. 67-69

Pеrekreswtov N.
Volgograd State Agricultural University
Disponibil în IBN: 29 mai 2019


Volgograd Oblast is situated in the South -East of the European part of the USSR in the Lower Volga region and the middle reaches of the Don in two natural areas - in the steppe with black soil and in the dry with brown soils. A common feature of the area is arid climate and pronounced continental climat.

climate, black soil, Fertility, floodplain soil, Humus, light brown soil, salt licks, soil-forming rocks, volgograd region.

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