The influence of swimming on the somatic-functional parameters of prepubescent children
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797.2:796.01 (7)
Divertisment. Jocuri. Sport (1746)
SM ISO690:2012
CONSTANTINESCU, Mihai, RÂŞNEAC, Boris. The influence of swimming on the somatic-functional parameters of prepubescent children. In: Ştiinţa Culturii Fizice, 2016, nr. 25(1), pp. 137-141. ISSN 1857-4114.
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Ştiinţa Culturii Fizice
Numărul 25(1) / 2016 / ISSN 1857-4114 /ISSNe 2537-6438

The influence of swimming on the somatic-functional parameters of prepubescent children
CZU: 797.2:796.01

Pag. 137-141

Constantinescu Mihai1, Râşneac Boris2
1 „Ștefan cel Mare” University, Suceava,
2 State University of Physical Education and Sport
Disponibil în IBN: 10 octombrie 2016


This article presents some general aspects regarding the influence of swimming on the growth and development processes of prepubescent children (ages 11-13), especially the adaptation of somatic-functional parameters as stabiliser factors of evolution, body posture attitude at this age. Development and implementation of a program specific to swimming’ means, adapted towards the development of somatic-functional potential of pre pubertal children represent the main objective for optimising the growth process of children at this age.

swimming, growth and development,

somatic-functional, pre puberty

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