Ethno-evolutionary processes in the development of the institution of the family of the Russian population in Moldova in the XXI century
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392.3(=161.1(478)"XXI" (1)
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SM ISO690:2012
IJBOLDINA, Irina. Ethno-evolutionary processes in the development of the institution of the family of the Russian population in Moldova in the XXI century. In: Tradiţii şi procese etnice, Ed. Ediţia a 4-a, 30 martie 2023, Chişinău. Chişinău: Notograf Prim, 2023, Ediția 4, p. 66. ISBN 978-9975-84-188-7.
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Tradiţii şi procese etnice
Ediția 4, 2023
Conferința "Simpozionul internaţional de etnologie:"
Ediţia a 4-a, Chişinău, Moldova, 30 martie 2023

Ethno-evolutionary processes in the development of the institution of the family of the Russian population in Moldova in the XXI century

CZU: 392.3(=161.1(478)"XXI"

Pag. 66-66

Ijboldina Irina
Institute of Cultural Heritage
Disponibil în IBN: 31 iulie 2023


Today we can observe an active process of creation of a new quality society, where a significant part of social life takes place in the Internet space. Despite the research data indicating the universal family nature of social identity of Moldovan population, we have to state that today young people have a revolutionary transformation of views on family relations, position of a family in the society. Russian families are also experiencing the consequences of globalization, the computer revolution and the total introduction of electronic communication systems. In the new political formation of the Republic of Moldova, there were also global socio-demographic transformations of the Russian population. In the post-Soviet period, Moldova was among those former Soviet republics where the position of Russians has changed most radically, and the decline in the Russian population has been quite significant. Along with the ethno-political, cultural, and linguistic conditions, the socio-economic changes also played a fundamentally important role in changing the position of Russians in Moldova. So, the appreciable reduction of the Russian population was determined by their migration outside the country, ethno-transformation processes, when part of the Russians, especially in the nationally mixed families, changed their ethnic identity, and the processes of depopulation. All these new processes and phenomena were reflected in the situation of the family institution of the Russian population of the Republic of Moldova, causing ethno-evolutionary changes in such key aspects of their life as demographic behavior and employment sphere.

ethno-evolutionary processes, the institution of the family of the Russian population of the Republic of Moldova

DataCite XML Export

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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>Today we can observe an active process of creation of a new quality society, where a significant part of social life takes place in the Internet space. Despite the research data indicating the universal family nature of social identity of Moldovan population, we have to state that today young people have a revolutionary transformation of views on family relations, position of a family in the society. Russian families are also experiencing the consequences of globalization, the computer revolution and the total introduction of electronic communication systems. In the new political formation of the Republic of Moldova, there were also global socio-demographic transformations of the Russian population. In the post-Soviet period, Moldova was among those former Soviet republics where the position of Russians has changed most radically, and the decline in the Russian population has been quite significant. Along with the ethno-political, cultural, and linguistic conditions, the socio-economic changes also played a fundamentally important role in changing the position of Russians in Moldova. So, the appreciable reduction of the Russian population was determined by their migration outside the country, ethno-transformation processes, when part of the Russians, especially in the nationally mixed families, changed their ethnic identity, and the processes of depopulation. All these new processes and phenomena were reflected in the situation of the family institution of the Russian population of the Republic of Moldova, causing ethno-evolutionary changes in such key aspects of their life as demographic behavior and employment sphere.</p></description>