Event tourism and its impact on rural tourism development in the Republic of Moldova
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338.48-61-44(478-21) (1)
Turism (548)
SM ISO690:2012
CHIRILENCO, Dinalidina, CONOVCIUC, Vitalina, CEAIKOVSKII, Alexandr. Event tourism and its impact on rural tourism development in the Republic of Moldova. In: Development of sustainable tourism: actualities and opportunities, Ed. 1, 27 septembrie 2022, Chisinau. Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM, 2022, pp. 180-183. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7608910
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Development of sustainable tourism: actualities and opportunities 2022
Simpozionul "Dezvoltarea turismului sustenabil: actualităţi şi oportunităţi"
1, Chisinau, Moldova, 27 septembrie 2022

Event tourism and its impact on rural tourism development in the Republic of Moldova

Turismul de evenimente şi impactul său asupra dezvoltării turismului rural în Republica Moldova

CZU: 338.48-61-44(478-21)
JEL: F44, M51, P35

Pag. 180-183

Chirilenco Dinalidina, Conovciuc Vitalina, Ceaikovskii Alexandr
Moldova State University
Disponibil în IBN: 21 februarie 2023


The 21st century is a time of high technology, hectic urban living, skyscrapers covering the skyline, perpetual motion and noise. All of this tires one out, and there is a growing need for a quiet and peaceful place, without the usual hustle and bustle, where one can feel relaxed. Rural tourism is a great way to meet these needs. Today, rural tourism is a fast-growing branch of tourism on account of the fad for environmentalism, care for nature and digital detox.

tourism, sustainable development, rural tourism.

Cerif XML Export

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<cfAbstr cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'><p>The 21st century is a time of high technology, hectic urban living, skyscrapers covering the skyline, perpetual motion and noise. All of this tires one out, and there is a growing need for a quiet and peaceful place, without the usual hustle and bustle, where one can feel relaxed. Rural tourism is a great way to meet these needs. Today, rural tourism is a fast-growing branch of tourism on account of the fad for environmentalism, care for nature and digital detox.</p></cfAbstr>