The image of the oriental woman in the creation of Mircea Eliade
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2023-09-26 11:43
SM ISO690:2012
IOVU, Elisaveta. The image of the oriental woman in the creation of Mircea Eliade. In: Communication, Context and Interdisciplinarity: Paths of communication in postmodernity Section: Literature, 24-25 octombrie 2020, Tîrgu Mureş,. Tîrgu Mureş, România: Alpha Institute for Multicultural Studies, 2020, Ediția a 6-a, Lite, pp. 513-519. ISBN 978-606-8624-00-6.
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Communication, Context and Interdisciplinarity
Ediția a 6-a, Lite, 2020
Conferința "Communication, Context and Interdisciplinarity"
Tîrgu Mureş,, Romania, 24-25 octombrie 2020

The image of the oriental woman in the creation of Mircea Eliade

Pag. 513-519

Iovu Elisaveta
State University „Dimitrie Cantemir”
Disponibil în IBN: 9 decembrie 2020


In this article we intend to make a foray into the repository of romanian literature and to present the image of the oriental woman. For this purpose, the work of the romanian philosopher and writer Mircea Eliade is relevant, who creates a „robot portrait” of the Eastern woman compared to the Western one. The image of the western woman in the eastern mentality and of the eastern woman in the western mentality varies from positive to negative imagotypes and vice versa. In Eliade's work, the oriental woman, especially indian, is very loving, family-oriented, shows care and kindness towards her family, knows how to „sacrifice” for the welfare of the family, being a good housewife and always an excellent host for the „sons” of the West. Neither in the work of Eliade, nor of the indian author, the young woman (ladies) of both Western (english, german) and anglo-indian origin enjoys a positive image. Eliade's work about India offers us the special opportunity to know through numerous mirrors, the image of the oriental woman compared to the european one, through the sum of imagotypes that meet prejudices and clichés of perception, but also the attitude of the romanian writer. Therefore, Eliade's literature offers a very varied and valuable collection of hetero-imagotypes about the Other / Stranger in the East.

oriental woman, western woman, positive imagotypes, negative imagotypes, portrait, image