Unele reflecţii privind adaptarea culturii organizaţionale la noile realităţi postpandemice
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395 68
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-06-09 15:46
SM ISO690:2012
CEACÎR (NISTIRIUC), Irina. Unele reflecţii privind adaptarea culturii organizaţionale la noile realităţi postpandemice. In: Independența de stat a Republicii Moldova: retrospective și realități: Materialele conferinţei știinţifi ce naţionale cu participare internaţională, din 26 august 2021: cu genericul "30 de ani de la adoptarea declaraţiei de independenţă a Republicii Moldova: aspecte politico-juridice și social-economice, 26 august 2021, Chişinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: ÎS FEP „Tipografi a Centrală", 2022, pp. 90-102. ISBN 978-5-88554-102-2.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Independența de stat a Republicii Moldova: retrospective și realități 2022
Conferința "Independența de stat a Republicii Moldova: retrospective și realități"
Chişinău, Moldova, 26 august 2021

Unele reflecţii privind adaptarea culturii organizaţionale la noile realităţi postpandemice

Some reflections on the adaptation of organizational culture to the new postpandemic realities

Pag. 90-102

Ceacîr (Nistiriuc) Irina
Institutul de Cercetări Juridice, Politice și Sociologice
Disponibil în IBN: 23 septembrie 2022


The article describes situations about the adaptation of organizational culture to the new post-pandemic realities. The changes that took place brought with them a positive aspect, but also a negative one. Employees have gone through, and continue to go through, various transformations at work, from long-distance work, shift work (for those who worked daily, with a fi xed schedule), but also the gradual return to offi ce (with certain conditions, such as would be: vaccination against COVID-19, periodic testing by own means, keeping physical distance, wearing a mask). Even though it seems that the biggest stress has passed, the employees are still under pressure. Uncertainty continues. Employees may still lose their jobs. Women are the most affected, because the maternal role prevails, especially in the conditions when kindergarten groups are quarantined, or school classes, they are forced to leave the service to take care of children. Both at national and European level, the issue of the labor force is particularly pressing. Even if a series of restrictions are challenged, but also an attempt is made to rectify the situation, it still takes more time to return to a normal way of working. Digitization has grown and offers advantages to those who know very well the fi eld of information technologies. Those who know less, but want professional growth are focused on studying this fi eld. Many changes, many problems, but the situation at work becomes a little clearer with the minimization of pandemic effects.

organizational culture, COVID-19, pandemic, postpandemic, workforce, employees, Leaders, organization, digitization, Implementation, reorganization, remote work, Solutions