Declaraţia de independenţă a Republicii Moldova: aspiraţii versus realităţi prin reliefarea unor componente ale interesului naţional
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343 14
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-05-30 21:36
SM ISO690:2012
JUC, Victor. Declaraţia de independenţă a Republicii Moldova: aspiraţii versus realităţi prin reliefarea unor componente ale interesului naţional. In: Independența de stat a Republicii Moldova: retrospective și realități: Materialele conferinţei știinţifi ce naţionale cu participare internaţională, din 26 august 2021: cu genericul "30 de ani de la adoptarea declaraţiei de independenţă a Republicii Moldova: aspecte politico-juridice și social-economice, 26 august 2021, Chişinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: ÎS FEP „Tipografi a Centrală", 2022, pp. 9-27. ISBN 978-5-88554-102-2.
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Dublin Core
Independența de stat a Republicii Moldova: retrospective și realități 2022
Conferința "Independența de stat a Republicii Moldova: retrospective și realități"
Chişinău, Moldova, 26 august 2021

Declaraţia de independenţă a Republicii Moldova: aspiraţii versus realităţi prin reliefarea unor componente ale interesului naţional

Declaration of independence of the Republic of Moldova: aspirations versus realities by reliefing some components of the national interest

Pag. 9-27

Juc Victor
Institutul de Cercetări Juridice, Politice și Sociologice
Disponibil în IBN: 23 septembrie 2022


The scientific article includes the analysis of two blocks of issues: the content of the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Moldova addressed by elucidating domestic and foreign policy objectives: defining the national interest of the Republic of Moldova and detailed research of a component - ensuring the territorial integrity of Moldova sovereignty over its entire territory. The main idea is that the Declaration of Independence was written in the spirit of historical optimism and aspirations for a better life. In reality, however, the results did not confirm the expectations, the national interest is not assumed by legislative acts and the social energies are not coagulated for its realization. The Republic of Moldova is a vulnerable state, and the realization of the European vocation of its people, as well as other components of the national interest, continues to be on the agenda of the day, because time passes.

Republic of Moldova, Declaration of Independence, domestic policy, foreign policy, national interest, territorial integrity, geopolitical situation, European rapprochement