
Afiliat la Международная ассоциация хранителей реки «Eco-TIRAS»

2021 - 1

Economic assessment of the habitat services and biodiversity losses under the Dniester hydropower complex impacts
Cazanţeva Olga , Corobov Roman , Trombitki Ilie , Sîrodoev Ghenadie , Zubcov Elena
Sustainable use and protection of animal world in the context of climate changededicated to the 75th anniversary from the creation of the first research subdivisions and 60th from the foundation of the Institute of Zoology
Ediția 10. 2021. Chișinău. Institutul de Zoologie. 35-41.
Disponibil online 17 September, 2021

2020 - 1

Hydropower and fishery on the Dniester river: some impact estimates
Trombitki Ilie , Cazanţeva Olga , Corobov Roman , Bulat Dumitru
Конференция памяти кандидата биологических наук, доцента Л. Л. Попа
2020. Тирасполь. Eco-TIRAS. 172-181.
Disponibil online 4 May, 2021

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