Rights and duties of the non-coastal states in the exclusive economic zone
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SM ISO690:2012
CEBAN, Cristina, BRAILA, Maxim. Rights and duties of the non-coastal states in the exclusive economic zone. In: Relaţii internaţionale. Plus, 2019, nr. 2(16), pp. 336-344. ISSN 1857-4440.
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Relaţii internaţionale. Plus
Numărul 2(16) / 2019 / ISSN 1857-4440 /ISSNe 2587-3393

Rights and duties of the non-coastal states in the exclusive economic zone

CZU: 341.225.5

Pag. 336-344

Ceban Cristina, Braila Maxim
University of European Studies of Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 26 martie 2020


Intra-continental states, or, as they are often called, states that do not have a sea coast, have the right of access to the sea, including the right to sail vessels under their flag. This pre-existing right was enshrined in the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, which provides for the procedure to solve the problem of access of an inland state to the sea on the territory of those countries located between the sea and this inland state. In practice, this problem is solved in such a way that the state, which does not have access to the sea, agrees with the corresponding seafront country to provide it with the opportunity to use one or another seaport of a coastal country. States without a major outlet have the right, in accordance with the Convention on the Law of the Sea, to participate fairly in the exploitation of that part of the living resources of the economic zones, which for one reason or another cannot be used by the coastal state. This right will be exercised in the economic zones of the coastal states of the same region or sub-region by agreement with this coastal state. Under certain conditions and by agreement with the coastal state, a developing state that does not have access to the sea can have access not only to the unused part, but also to all the living resources of the area.

non-coastal states, shipping, protecting the marine environment, operation of ships, aircraft, inspection, confiscation, prosecution, rent, concession