Investigation of chronic toxicity of furostanolic steroidal glicosides from semen Capsicum Annuum L.
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SM ISO690:2012
GRIGOROVICH, M., KUDRIN, B., EVDOCHIMOV, A., MAXIMOVSKIKH, S., PLOTNICOVA, O., KINTIA, Pavel. Investigation of chronic toxicity of furostanolic steroidal glicosides from semen Capsicum Annuum L.. In: Biotehnologii avansate – realizări şi perspective: Simpozionul ştiinţific naţional cu participare internaţională, 24-25 octombrie 2013, Chişinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Tipografia Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2013, Ediția III-a, p. 47.
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Biotehnologii avansate – realizări şi perspective
Ediția III-a, 2013
Simpozionul "Biotehnologii avansate – realizări şi perspective"
Chişinău, Moldova, 24-25 octombrie 2013

Investigation of chronic toxicity of furostanolic steroidal glicosides from semen Capsicum Annuum L.

Pag. 47-47

Grigorovich M.1, Kudrin B.1, Evdochimov A.1, Maximovskikh S.1, Plotnicova O.1, Kintia Pavel2
1 Regional Center for government and ecological controle,
2 Institutul de Genetica şi Fiziologie a Plantelor
Disponibil în IBN: 21 martie 2020


The biology properties of furostanolic steroidal glycosides (FSG) contribute its wide application in agricultural regions. Wide FSG introduction made real problems for human health by its consumption with food and water. It wasinsufficient information about toxicity of FSG in scientific literature.The aim of research was investigation of FSG toxicity for small rodents and its influences on biochemical and physiological processes in chronic experiments. The remedy of FSG (capsicoside) was prepared from semen Capsicum annuum prof. Kintia P.K., the Head of Laboratory of natural bioregulators from Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology of the Academy of Science of Moldova. All experiments were made on 64 white laboratory mice of SBA-line. The animals were divided in 4 groups: 2 control groups (male – 12; female – 12) and 2 experimental groups (male – 20; female – 20). The experiments were continued for 96 days. Ones a week all mices obtained intragastral introduction of 1,0 ml solution: to controlmice - 0,9% solution of NaCl; to experimental mice - solution of FSG in doses 50 mg/kg body weights. Next parameters were investigated: absolute and relative body, heart, lien and liver mass; number of erythrocytes and leucocytes; morphology of white blood cells; the blood enzymes activity (cholinesterase, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase); protein, urea and cholesterol quantity. It was revealed, that FSG (capsicoside) in dose 50 mg/mg body weight had not appeared chronic toxicity in mammalians. FSG (capsicoside) influences on biochemical and physiological processes in mammalians were different for male and female mice.