Proprietatile functionale ale srotului de nuci Juglans Regia L.
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2024-05-22 22:23
SM ISO690:2012
GROSU, Carolina, GORBULEAC, Veronica, SCRIPCARI, Ion, CIUMAC, Jorj, TATAROV, Pavel. Proprietatile functionale ale srotului de nuci Juglans Regia L.. In: Modern Technologies in the Food Industry, Ed. 3, 20-22 octombrie 2016, Chişinău. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova: Tehnica-Info, 2016, pp. 198-202.
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Dublin Core
Modern Technologies in the Food Industry 2016
Conferința "Modern Technologies in the Food Industry"
3, Chişinău, Moldova, 20-22 octombrie 2016

Proprietatile functionale ale srotului de nuci Juglans Regia L.

Pag. 198-202

Grosu Carolina, Gorbuleac Veronica, Scripcari Ion, Ciumac Jorj, Tatarov Pavel
Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei
Disponibil în IBN: 26 iulie 2019


The functional properties of grits depend largely on the acidity and ionic strength aqueous medium and are less affected by heat treatment of the grits to 50 °C and the simple sugars present in the medium. Protein solubility values and hydration capacity, foaming and emulsifying grits varies with the pH in a curve type U, with a minimum in the isoelectric point of the protein (pI = 4.5). With the increase in the ionic strength to 0.18 mol.L−1, mentioned index values increase (phenomenon salting-in of proteins), and in higher ionic strength solutions the effect of proteins salting takes place (salting-out) and values are lower. In all cases functional indicators size varies parabolic the with concentration of sugars (sucrose, fructose, glucose), the maximum 5-6% of sugar.

grist, NUTS, hydration, foaming, emulsifying