Человек и теория “цифровой экономики”
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1:316.42 (6)
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SM ISO690:2012
РОКАЧУК, Виктор. Человек и теория “цифровой экономики”. In: Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură , 9 februarie 2018, Comrat. Comrat, Republica Moldova: Universitatea de Stat din Comrat, 2018, Vol.2, pp. 225-227. ISBN 978-9975- 83-058-4.
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Dublin Core
Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură
Vol.2, 2018
Conferința "Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură"
Comrat, Moldova, 9 februarie 2018

Человек и теория “цифровой экономики”

CZU: 1:316.42

Pag. 225-227

Рокачук Виктор
Каменец-Подольский Национальный Университет имени Ивана Огиенко
Disponibil în IBN: 25 septembrie 2019


Some years, theorists of the West, speak about "digital economy", as about a positive method of development of the person and all spheres of his activity much. The author does the scientific and methodological analysis of this problem, its influence on the person and possible consequences from its introduction, as for one country, also in general.

person, digital economy, Fight, total control, consciousness, education, control, private life, manipulation, science, profession, destruction