Влияние адсорбента «MICOFIX® PLUS» на потребление кормов молодняком свиней
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636.4.087.7 (5)
Porc. Porcine (112)
SM ISO690:2012
BUŞEV, Vitali. Влияние адсорбента «MICOFIX® PLUS» на потребление кормов молодняком свиней. In: Zootehnie şi biotehnologii , 27 septembrie 2013, Chișinău. Chisinau, Republica Moldova: Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2013, Vol. 34, pp. 162-165. ISBN 978-9975-64-246-0.
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Zootehnie şi biotehnologii
Vol. 34, 2013
Conferința "Zootehnie şi biotehnologii "
Chișinău, Moldova, 27 septembrie 2013

Влияние адсорбента «MICOFIX® PLUS» на потребление кормов молодняком свиней

CZU: 636.4.087.7

Pag. 162-165

Buşev Vitali
Государственный Аграрный Университет Молдовы
Disponibil în IBN: 18 martie 2019


The aim of the research was to investigate the effect of the supplementation of the mixed fodders with the enterosorbent preparation Micofix® Plus on fodder consumption in young pigs by periods of growth. The researches were conducted from 09.07.2010 till 09.10.2010 at the State Enterprise for Pig Selection and Hybridization “Moldsuinhibrid". For the experiments forty Landrace breed of pigs were selected, which were divided into four groups. The piglets in the experimental groups EG1, EG2, EG3 were fed the main mixed fodder supplemented with the adsorbent Micofix® Plus at the levels 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 kg / t, respectively. The piglets in the control group (CG) were fed the main mixed fodder. It was found out that the addition of Micofix® Plus to the diets for young pigs at the level of 1.5 kg/ton was the most effective, and helped to reduce food intake by 2.28%.

Adsorbent, fodder consumption young pigs

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