Controlul buruienilor şi combaterea focarelor de torţel (Cuscuta SP L.) în semănăturile de fenicul prin erbicidare
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SM ISO690:2012
MUSTEAŢĂ, Grigore. Controlul buruienilor şi combaterea focarelor de torţel (Cuscuta SP L.) în semănăturile de fenicul prin erbicidare. In: Mediul Ambiant , 2013, nr. 1(67), pp. 12-16. ISSN 1810-9551.
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Mediul Ambiant
Numărul 1(67) / 2013 / ISSN 1810-9551

Controlul buruienilor şi combaterea focarelor de torţel (Cuscuta SP L.) în semănăturile de fenicul prin erbicidare

Pag. 12-16

Musteaţă Grigore
Institutul de Genetică, Fiziologie şi Protecţie a Plantelor al AŞM
Disponibil în IBN: 30 iulie 2014


This paper presents the study results of some admitted and tested weed control herbicides in the fennel crops, cultivated as aromatic plants in the Republic of Moldova. It was found that for these purposes the most effective is the herbicide Triflyureks 480 EC when making pre-emergence at a dose of 2,5-4,2 l/ha, which destroys most of the one and dicotyledonous weeds (80-86%). If it is applied according to our proposed technology, Triflyureks 480 EC kills over 90% of lesions Dodder - “weed - problem” in fields of fennel. In weed control on the fennel the herbicide Prometreks 50 SP, at a dose of 4,0 kg/ha pre-emergence was effective.

fennel, weed control,

annual weeds, dodder

DataCite XML Export

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<title xml:lang='ro'>Controlul buruienilor şi combaterea focarelor
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<relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType='ISSN' relationType='IsPartOf'>1810-9551</relatedIdentifier>
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<date dateType='Issued'>2013-01-01</date>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'>This paper presents the study results of some admitted and tested weed control herbicides in the fennel crops, cultivated as aromatic plants in the Republic of Moldova. It was found that for these purposes the most effective is the herbicide Triflyureks 480 EC when making pre-emergence at a dose of 2,5-4,2 l/ha, which destroys most of the one and dicotyledonous weeds (80-86%). If it is applied according to our proposed technology, Triflyureks 480 EC kills over 90% of lesions Dodder - “weed - problem” in fields of fennel. In weed control on the fennel the herbicide Prometreks 50 SP, at a dose of 4,0 kg/ha pre-emergence was effective.</description>