Assessment of agility in middle school students by using the basketball game methods
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37.02:796.323.2 (3)
Probleme generale de didactică și metodică (1259)
Divertisment. Jocuri. Sport (1746)
SM ISO690:2012
ANASTASIU, Andreea-Mădălina, COJANU, Florin, MIHAI, Ilie, POTOP, Vladimir. Assessment of agility in middle school students by using the basketball game methods. In: Actualities and Perspectives of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Ed. 4, 5 aprilie 2023, București. București, România: PRINTECH, 2023, Ediția 4, pp. 23-30. ISSN 2734-8512.
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Actualities and Perspectives of Physical Education and Sport Sciences
Ediția 4, 2023
Conferința "Actualities and Perspectives of Physical Education and Sport Sciences"
4, București, Romania, 5 aprilie 2023

Assessment of agility in middle school students by using the basketball game methods

CZU: 37.02:796.323.2

Pag. 23-30

Anastasiu Andreea-Mădălina1, Cojanu Florin2, Mihai Ilie2, Potop Vladimir2
1 State University of Physical Education and Sport,
2 University of Pitesti
Disponibil în IBN: 11 martie 2024


The purpose of this paper is to determine the level of agility development using basketball methods and the relationship of their indices with the anthropometric measurements in the 13-15-year-old girls of middle school. This scientific approach entailed the organization of an ascertaining pedagogical experiment carried out in the „Mircea cel Bătrân” Middle School of Pitesti, Romania. The subjects of the research were 26 girl students aged 13-15 years. Research methods: bibliographic study, method of pedagogical observation, method of tests, method of (ascertaining) pedagogical experiment, statistical-mathematical and graphical representation methods. Agility was tested by means of Witty SEM with 4 LEDs placed in the form of a 3x3 m square, with signal delay of 3 sec. along 10 impulses. Ball passing with two hands from the chest was used between impulses. Measured indices: total time (sec) and reaction time at each LED (Lap L1-10, sec). The results of the anthropometric measurements in the 13-15-year-old girls in the research were compared with the averages of the biometric potential values. The analysis of the results of agility test shows that the average value is 0.9 sec lower than the minimum values and 10.06 sec lower than the maximum value. The response at each LED reveals minimum values lower by 30%, reaction difference under 1.0 sec, 40% maximum values above 3.0 sec and the average shows 90% differences under 3.0 sec. The results of the correlation highlight 30% strong connections at p<0.05 between weight and execution time, 40% strong connections between height and execution time and 90% negative weak connections between BMI and agility indices. The agility test performed using basketball methods and the relationship of their indices with the anthropometric measurements of the 13-15 years old students established the development level and the value of the connections between the studied indices

spatial-temporal orientation, reaction speed, biomotor potential, game technique, correlative analysis