Model of development of functional flexibility in sambo at the stage of sports specialization
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37.02:796.814.012.23 (1)
Probleme generale de didactică și metodică (1259)
Divertisment. Jocuri. Sport (1746)
SM ISO690:2012
TACHII, Denis. Model of development of functional flexibility in sambo at the stage of sports specialization. In: Actualities and Perspectives of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Ed. 4, 5 aprilie 2023, București. București, România: PRINTECH, 2023, Ediția 4, pp. 209-213. ISSN 2734-8512.
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Actualities and Perspectives of Physical Education and Sport Sciences
Ediția 4, 2023
Conferința "Actualities and Perspectives of Physical Education and Sport Sciences"
4, București, Romania, 5 aprilie 2023

Model of development of functional flexibility in sambo at the stage of sports specialization

CZU: 37.02:796.814.012.23

Pag. 209-213

Tachii Denis
State University of Physical Education and Sport
Disponibil în IBN: 11 martie 2024


The study is devoted to the study of the effectiveness of the model of the development of functional flexibility in SAMBO wrestlers at the stage of sports specialization. It was assumed that an integrated approach to the development of mobility in joints could create conditions for improving the quality of mastery of wrestling techniques by athletes. Priorities have been identified, including a combination of high-amplitude, strength and coordination exercises in the training process aimed at developing active dynamic flexibility. An experiment was conducted with the participation of 23 athletes. It has been experimentally proved that there is a high correlation between the indicators of mobility in the joints and the quality of performing special exercises of a wrestler. A pedagogical experiment with the participation of girls 13-14 engaged in sambo wrestling at the stage of sports specialization proved that the use in the training process of a model for the development of functional mobility of joints based on a combination of high-amplitude, strength and coordination exercises integrated into the special training of athletes has a positive effect on the indicators of flexibility in the hip, shoulder joints, as well as in the thoracic the spine. The integration of high-amplitude, strength and coordination exercises had a positive impact on the quality of performing special exercises of the wrestler.

wrestling, sambo, flexibility, functional training