Examining pandemic persuasive discourse across english and romanian cultures
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2024-06-05 21:10
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81`42:316.7=111=135.1 (1)
Lingvistică. Limbi (5177)
Sociologia culturii. Contextul cultural al vieții sociale (812)
SM ISO690:2012
GRAMA, Stella. Examining pandemic persuasive discourse across english and romanian cultures. In: Probleme de lingvistică romano-germanică şi comunicare interculturală, Ed. 3, 1 decembrie 2023, Chişinău. Chişinău: Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM, 2024, Ediţia 3, pp. 204-210. ISBN 978-9975-62-678-1. – ISBN; 978-9975-62-679-8 (PDF). DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10650176
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Probleme de lingvistică romano-germanică şi comunicare interculturală
Ediţia 3, 2024
Conferința "Probleme de lingvistică romano-germanică şi comunicare interculturală"
3, Chişinău, Moldova, 1 decembrie 2023

Examining pandemic persuasive discourse across english and romanian cultures

CZU: 81`42:316.7=111=135.1

Pag. 204-210

Grama Stella
Moldova State University
Disponibil în IBN: 9 martie 2024


The aim of this research is to study the transformation of public discourse and the adaptation of cultural norms in the context of Covid-19 pandemic. By conducting a cross-cultural analysis of the pandemic discourse, we seek to uncover linguistic and cultural variations in the communication strategies employed by public authorities of the UK and Moldova, and determine the role of cultural background in shaping responses to global health crises. The article explores the linguistic choices that construct social meaning within a specific cultural framework. We have adopted a critical approach to discourse analysis, by using insights from socio-cognitive and linguo-cultural theories. The findings may contribute to a deeper understanding of the impact that global challenges have upon different nations, the way culture is perpetuated and how persuasive strategies are adapted to shape public understanding of major social issues.

cognition, critical discourse analysis, cross-cultural analysis, cultural linguistics, pandemic, persuasive discourse