Traceability of pork products
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224 0
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similare conform CZU
614.31:637.52 (1)
Inspecţie şi control sanitar (92)
Produse ale animalelor domestice (de curte) și de vânat (307)
SM ISO690:2012
BIVOL, Ludmila, CAISÎN, Larisa, ANDREEV, Corina. Traceability of pork products. In: Modern Trends in the Agricultural Higher Education: dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the founding of higher agricultural education in the Republic of Moldova, 5-6 octombrie 2023, Chişinău. Chişinău: Tehnica-UTM, 2023, p. 110.
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Modern Trends in the Agricultural Higher Education 2023
Conferința "Modern Trends in the Agricultural Higher Education"
Chişinău, Moldova, 5-6 octombrie 2023

Traceability of pork products

CZU: 614.31:637.52

Pag. 110-110

Bivol Ludmila, Caisîn Larisa, Andreev Corina
Technical University of Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 20 decembrie 2023


The food industry is becoming increasingly interconnected and global, with food production and distribution systems relying heavily on each other. In addition, previous occurrences of food safety crises have drawn attention to the importance of ensuring the quality and safety of our food. The ability to track food throughout the supply chain is vital for both industry and decision makers in the event of a critical situation requiring a food recall. The design of an information system that monitors traceability in meat production has a significant impact on the technologies used in the manufacture of meat products. The main purpose of traceability systems is to ensure the quality of implementation of meat products, thereby ensuring food safety and food quality for consumers. By doing so, consumers can enjoy healthy and safe food, and the risks associated with consuming products that are of poor quality can be reduced to acceptable levels or even eliminated altogether. Traceability plays a crucial role in the trust between traders and consumers regarding the supply of product safety, quality and authenticity. The concept of authenticity verification stems from the requirement to ensure compliance with food standards and labeling laws and to identify cases of food fraud. As a result, different techniques have been established to confirm adherence to the legal rules regarding the naming of food products, the declaration of ingredients and their quantities, the information provided about the processing and the treatment claim of the food, as well as the activities done regarding the production and the geographical origin. Traceability must be implemented in a way that meets industry standards and uses information encoding technology to make it easily accessible.

food quality, pork meat, traceability, safety

DataCite XML Export

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<affiliation>Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<creatorName>Caisîn, L.G.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<creatorName>Andreev, C.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<title xml:lang='en'>Traceability of pork products</title>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>The food industry is becoming increasingly interconnected and global, with food production and distribution systems relying heavily on each other. In addition, previous occurrences of food safety crises have drawn attention to the importance of ensuring the quality and safety of our food. The ability to track food throughout the supply chain is vital for both industry and decision makers in the event of a critical situation requiring a food recall. The design of an information system that monitors traceability in meat production has a significant impact on the technologies used in the manufacture of meat products. The main purpose of traceability systems is to ensure the quality of implementation of meat products, thereby ensuring food safety and food quality for consumers. By doing so, consumers can enjoy healthy and safe food, and the risks associated with consuming products that are of poor quality can be reduced to acceptable levels or even eliminated altogether. Traceability plays a crucial role in the trust between traders and consumers regarding the supply of product safety, quality and authenticity. The concept of authenticity verification stems from the requirement to ensure compliance with food standards and labeling laws and to identify cases of food fraud. As a result, different techniques have been established to confirm adherence to the legal rules regarding the naming of food products, the declaration of ingredients and their quantities, the information provided about the processing and the treatment claim of the food, as well as the activities done regarding the production and the geographical origin. Traceability must be implemented in a way that meets industry standards and uses information encoding technology to make it easily accessible.</p></description>