Two tools in professional development of teaching staff through mentoring
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378.126 (129)
Învățământ superior. Universități. Cursuri universitare (2669)
SM ISO690:2012
LAZĂR, Emil, VERDEŞ, Maria-Rocselana. Two tools in professional development of teaching staff through mentoring. In: Science and education: new approaches and perspectives: . Selective collection of abstracts, Ed. 25, 24-25 martie 2023, Chişinău. Chişinău: (CEP UPSC, 2023, Seria 25, pp. 64-64_2. ISBN 978-9975-46-788-9.
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Science and education: new approaches and perspectives
Seria 25, 2023
Conferința "Science and education: new approaches and perspectives"
25, Chişinău, Moldova, 24-25 martie 2023

Two tools in professional development of teaching staff through mentoring

CZU: 378.126

Pag. 64-64_2

Lazăr Emil, Verdeş Maria-Rocselana
Constantin Brâncuși University, Târgu-Jiu
Disponibil în IBN: 7 noiembrie 2023


The professional development of teaching staff through mentoring is a key factor in efforts to ensure positive results for the pre-university education system and for students. How can mentoring in education be achieved? In many ways. Here are two premises, which we consider tools: the four stages for learning any new skill and the Johari window. It is needed to ensure that the mentor and the mentee are equipped with fundamental communication and relationship management skills. Numerous studies have verified that cooperation, communication, interpersonal skills, listening and summarizing skills are critical to higher-order team success. These skills are at the heart of emotional intelligence. Cultivating them in managers and employees is the key to all of the benefits of training and personal and professional development. The individual does not understand or know how to do something and does not necessarily recognize this deficit. He can deny the usefulness of this skill. The individual must recognize his own incompetence, and the value of the new skill, before moving on to the next stage. The length of time one spends in this stage depends on the strength of the drive to learn.

Professional development, mentoring, mentoring in education, premises, Johari window

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