Mobilization and conservation of interspecific biodiversity of the genus Buddleja l.
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Botanică sistematică (874)
SM ISO690:2012
ROSCA, Ion, ONIKA, Elisaveta, KUTKOVSKI-MUSHTUK, Alina, ONICA, Natalia. Mobilization and conservation of interspecific biodiversity of the genus Buddleja l.. In: Natural sciences in the dialogue of generations, 14-15 septembrie 2023, Chişinău. Chişinău: Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM, 2023, p. 63. ISBN 978-9975-3430-9-1.
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Natural sciences in the dialogue of generations 2023
Conferința "Natural sciences in the dialogue of generations"
Chişinău, Moldova, 14-15 septembrie 2023

Mobilization and conservation of interspecific biodiversity of the genus Buddleja l.

CZU: 582.61

Pag. 63-63

Rosca Ion, Onika Elisaveta, Kutkovski-Mushtuk Alina, Onica Natalia
National Botanical Garden (Institute) "Alexandru Ciubotaru", MSU
Disponibil în IBN: 18 octombrie 2023


The collection of the genus Buddleja L. includes two species: Buddleja alternifolia Maxim and Buddleja davidii Franch. with 22 ornamental non-native taxa. The new introduced taxa of Buddleja davidii Franch are resistant to drought, frost and pollutants, they do not require special care, only trimming to maintain the desired shape and compliance with the technology throughout the growing season. The studied shrubs possess outstanding decorative features in summer-autumn, with diverse colour of the flowers ranging from white to lilac and purple of various shades, depending on the cultivated variety, abundant flowering, high density of flowers per stalk and long inflorescences, as well as at the beginning of autumn, when the ornamental value is due to the shade of the foliage, the shape and size of the habit, the appearance of fruits, the abundance of fruiting, the long period of flowering and fruiting. The genus Buddleja L. totals about 100 species and a wide diversity of cultivars, as well as hybrids, spread in the tropical and subtropical areas of Asia, America and Africa. In the NBGI, two species have been introduced: Buddleja alternifolia Maxim, with purple flowers smelling like honey, and Buddleja davidii Franch, with 22 ornamental taxa with white, lilac or purple flowers, mobilized from various European centres, which need to be researched, evaluated under the new conditions and further used as ornamental plants. The research was done in 2019-2022, in the plant introduction nursery of the Dendrology Laboratory. Most of the taxa of Buddleja L. possess special ornamental value due to the wide range of colours of flowers, foliage, the abundance of flowering, the length of the flowering and fruiting periods, as well as the habit and shape and size of inflorescences. The representatives of this genus are precious honey plants, decorative in summer and autumn, due to the specific foliage and showy flowers, which being strategically placed in association with other contrasting dwarf species improves the aesthetic qualities of buildings, parks or architectural ensembles. The harmonization of plants, the dynamic alternation of taxa with showy flowers and brightly coloured foliage lead to a high aesthetic value of the landscape design. They are recommended for cultivation in all the dendrological districts of the country in pure groups or together with other species on lawns, at the edges of parks and free or trimmed hedges of different heights in landscaping.

Buddleja L., taxa, flower, growth, development

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<meta name="citation_author" content="Kutkovski-Mushtuk Alina">
<meta name="citation_author" content="Onica Natalia">
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