Структурно-семантичні характеристики греко-латинських афіксів термінологічної лексики ветеринарної медицини
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378.147:81'243 (5)
Învățământ superior. Universități. Cursuri universitare (2669)
Lingvistică. Limbi (5176)
SM ISO690:2012
ȚVID-GROM, Olena. Структурно-семантичні характеристики греко-латинських афіксів термінологічної лексики ветеринарної медицини. In: Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură , Ed. 2023, 13 februarie 2023, Comrat. Comrat: Universitatea de Stat din Comrat, 2023, Vol. 3, pp. 98-100. ISBN 978-9975-83-257-1.
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Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură
Vol. 3, 2023
Conferința "Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură"
2023, Comrat, Moldova, 13 februarie 2023

Структурно-семантичні характеристики греко-латинських афіксів термінологічної лексики ветеринарної медицини

CZU: 378.147:81'243

Pag. 98-100

Цвид-Гром Олена
Белоцерковский национальный аграрный университет
Disponibil în IBN: 3 mai 2023


The peculiarities of formation of terminological literacy of future specialists of veterinary medicine are considered. It is emphasized that the knowledge of the basics of special vocabulary and the basic Greek-Latin vocabulary ensures the professional terminological literacy of a specialist, lays the foundation for students for their further assimilation of knowledge from specialized disciplines. Knowledge of the basics of Latin grammar, special vocabulary and the main Greek-Latin vocabulary provides professional terminological literacy to future specialists, lays the foundation for further assimilation of knowledge from specialized theoretical and clinical professional-practical disciplines (general chemistry, medical biology, anatomy, histology, pharmacology), clinical disciplines. An important stage in the study of Latin is the ability to combine grammatical knowledge, primarily within the limits of Latin nouns and adjectives, with the study and independent formation of the term, understanding the meaning of word-forming elements - Latin and Greek roots, suffixes and prefixes, laying the foundations.

Latin, term, greek-latin affixes, a sublanguage of veterinary medicine, semantics

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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>The peculiarities of formation of terminological literacy of future specialists of veterinary medicine are considered. It is emphasized that the knowledge of the basics of special vocabulary and the basic Greek-Latin vocabulary ensures the professional terminological literacy of a specialist, lays the foundation for students for their further assimilation of knowledge from specialized disciplines. Knowledge of the basics of Latin grammar, special vocabulary and the main Greek-Latin vocabulary provides professional terminological literacy to future specialists, lays the foundation for further assimilation of knowledge from specialized theoretical and clinical professional-practical disciplines (general chemistry, medical biology, anatomy, histology, pharmacology), clinical disciplines. An important stage in the study of Latin is the ability to combine grammatical knowledge, primarily within the limits of Latin nouns and adjectives, with the study and independent formation of the term, understanding the meaning of word-forming elements - Latin and Greek roots, suffixes and prefixes, laying the foundations.</p></description>