Metaforizarea – procedeu de suplimentare a sintagmelor terminologice militare româneşti din domeniul operativ-tactic
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81`373.612.2`276.5:355(=135.1) (1)
Lingvistică. Limbi (5176)
Artă militară în general (542)
SM ISO690:2012
BUTUC, Marin. Metaforizarea – procedeu de suplimentare a sintagmelor terminologice militare româneşti din domeniul operativ-tactic. In: Dimensiuni onto-lingvistice și curriculare ale evoluției limbii franceze contemporane: in honorem Ion GUȚU, Ed. 1, 6 mai 2022, Chişinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM, 2022, pp. 119-126. ISBN 978-9975-159-72-2. DOI:
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Dimensiuni onto-lingvistice și curriculare ale evoluției limbii franceze contemporane 2022
Colocviul "Dimensiuni onto-lingvistice și curriculare ale evoluției limbii franceze contemporane"
1, Chişinău, Moldova, 6 mai 2022

Metaforizarea – procedeu de suplimentare a sintagmelor terminologice militare româneşti din domeniul operativ-tactic

CZU: 81`373.612.2`276.5:355(=135.1)

Pag. 119-126

Butuc Marin
Academia Militară a Forţelor Armate “Alexandru cel Bun”
Disponibil în IBN: 28 decembrie 2022


In the evolution of contemporany Romanian military terminology, we see the decisive role of the various processes of term formation, which formed the basis of the military terminological language. In this sense, the terminological phrases formed by the metaphorization of the lexical elements from the general language and entered into the military language, such as those formed according to a classical pattern, made up of a determined and a determinant, pay special attention. In the context of those related to the process of forming operative-tactical military terms based on metaphorization, which have become stable terminological phrases in which it remains difficult to notice stylistic expressiveness, conclusive are some combinations of words consisting of two elements, which include in the structure to them a noun and an adjective acorded in gender, number and case. Therefore, characteristic for them are not only the structural-grammatical constitution, but also the informative functions, the expression of the specialized military notion, as well as that of a partial stylistic expressiveness and suggestiveness, due to the primary metaphorization that formed the formation of the phrase. From this point of view, we find the existence in the operative-tactical military language of three categories of military terminological phrases, which we delimit according to the lexical element (or both terminological components) that has a certain stylistic suggestiveness, based on a comparison with a notion from the general lexicon.

terminologie, proces derivativ, metaforizare, noţiune, expresivitate stilistică,

terminology, derivative process, metaphorization, notion, stylistic expressiveness