Creativity and autism spectrum disorder
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Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2023-06-13 09:10
SM ISO690:2012
PLESA, Roxana. Creativity and autism spectrum disorder. In: Geniu, talent, creativitate : - o perspectivă socio-culturală, Ed. XIII, 1 mai 2022, Iași. Iași, România: 2022, Volumul I, pp. 83-90. ISBN 978-606-685-905-9.
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Geniu, talent, creativitate
Volumul I, 2022
Conferința "Geniu, Talent, Creativitate - o perspectivă socio-culturală"
XIII, Iași, Romania, 1 mai 2022

Creativity and autism spectrum disorder

Creativitatea și tulburarea de spectru autist

Pag. 83-90

Plesa Roxana
University of Petroșani
Disponibil în IBN: 29 septembrie 2022


This paper is an analysis of the literature exploring the use of expressive arts modalities with children living with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), with a focus on emotional regulation and behavior modification. Historically, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) has been the standard in terms of behavior modification for this population, but current research and qualitative inquiries suggested that members of this population need more support in emotional regulation and communication than ABA is able to provide. Using an intermodal arts- based method developmentally promotes social and communication abilities in children with ASD. Further, channeling stereotypic behaviors into creative flow can regulate, communicate, and increase self-worth. This was done by framing the work under the Expressive Therapies Continuum and exploring the healing properties of creativity. By allowing individuals living with ASD to create their own form of communication using multiple artistic modalities, it is believed that maladaptive behaviors could decrease, due to a child’s own realization that they are better understood. This could lead to better emotional regulation, efficacy in communication, and stronger socialization. The framework could also benefit clinicians in developing more concise and client-centered treatment plans, that meet both the client’s needs as well as the freedom to incorporate the client’s personal interests.

autism, creativity, disorder, behavior, therapy

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<dc:creator>Pleșa, R.</dc:creator>
<dc:description xml:lang='en'><p>This paper is an analysis of the literature exploring the use of expressive arts modalities with children living with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), with a focus on emotional regulation and behavior modification. Historically, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) has been the standard in terms of behavior modification for this population, but current research and qualitative inquiries suggested that members of this population need more support in emotional regulation and communication than ABA is able to provide. Using an intermodal arts- based method developmentally promotes social and communication abilities in children with ASD. Further, channeling stereotypic behaviors into creative flow can regulate, communicate, and increase self-worth. This was done by framing the work under the Expressive Therapies Continuum and exploring the healing properties of creativity. By allowing individuals living with ASD to create their own form of communication using multiple artistic modalities, it is believed that maladaptive behaviors could decrease, due to a child&rsquo;s own realization that they are better understood. This could lead to better emotional regulation, efficacy in communication, and stronger socialization. The framework could also benefit clinicians in developing more concise and client-centered treatment plans, that meet both the client&rsquo;s needs as well as the freedom to incorporate the client&rsquo;s personal interests.</p></dc:description>
<dc:source>Geniu, talent, creativitate  (Volumul I) 83-90</dc:source>
<dc:title>Creativity and autism spectrum disorder</dc:title>