Constantin Stere despre dreptul la libertatea individuală
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SM ISO690:2012
GRECU, Raisa, AVORNIC, Gheorghe. Constantin Stere despre dreptul la libertatea individuală. In: Avocatul poporului (Revistă ştiinţifico-practică şi informativă de drept), 2009, nr. 4, pp. 8-11. ISSN 1810-7141.
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Dublin Core
Avocatul poporului (Revistă ştiinţifico-practică şi informativă de drept)
Numărul 4 / 2009 / ISSN 1810-7141

Constantin Stere despre dreptul la libertatea individuală

Pag. 8-11

Grecu Raisa, Avornic Gheorghe
Universitatea de Stat din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 1 decembrie 2013


Constantin Stere strongly believes that all constitutional liberties come from a single superior principle – freedom of personality, which by itself affirms the respect towards human dignity. This principle has its origins in Article 39 of Magna Charta Libertatum (1215) and was included almost completely in the romanian Constitution in 1866. The constitutionalist explains some differences in the realisation of the invoked principle in England and Romania due to some differences in romanian legislation adopted with the goal to realize the principle. This article summarizes the ideas of Constantin Stere about constitutional guarantees of freedom of personality, which are contained in his work “Antiproject of Constitution”(1922).