Activitățile nonformale, cadru eficient în dezvoltarea creativității la preșcolari
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2024-04-22 20:53
SM ISO690:2012
HURDUC, Gina. Activitățile nonformale, cadru eficient în dezvoltarea creativității la preșcolari. In: Creativitatea şi dezvoltarea personală: dimensiuni psihologice și filozofice, 1 octombrie 2020, Iași. Iași, România: Editura PERFORMANTICA, 2020, Ediția a-XI-a, Vol. II, pp. 97-102. ISBN 978-606-685-718-5.
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Dublin Core
Creativitatea şi dezvoltarea personală: dimensiuni psihologice și filozofice
Ediția a-XI-a, Vol. II, 2020
Conferința "Conferința Științifică Internațională ”Creativitatea și dezvoltarea personală”"
Iași, Moldova, 1 octombrie 2020

Activitățile nonformale, cadru eficient în dezvoltarea creativității la preșcolari

Nonformative activities, efficient framework for the development of creativity in preschool children

Pag. 97-102

Hurduc Gina
Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă“ din Chişinău
Disponibil în IBN: 7 iunie 2021


Education knows a multitude of learning situations that are achieved through its three forms: formal education, non-formal education, informal education. All justify their role in the formation and development of the personality, outlining educational desires and responding to the needs of education and civilization. One of the three forms of education, the non-formal one, provides varied learning opportunities and is much more focused on the interests and desires of the learner. Non-formal education can be regarded as a new approach to learning through pleasing and motivating activities for children and aims to identify and cultivate the optimal correspondence between skills, talents but also to stimulate creative behavior, starting from the earliest age. From the sphere of non-formal activities through which we identify and cultivate: aptitudes, talents, stimulation and development of the creative behavior of the children I chose to present in this paper the educational project "In the world of joy". The purpose of this project is: Preparing the children in order to adapt optimally to the specific activity of the kindergarten, spending free time through recreational activities, improving social skills, the level of cooperation, the level of verbal and nonverbal communication and the prevention of school dropout. The curiosity, spontaneity and sincerity of children always indicates that teacher's involvement in organizing quality non-formal activities contributes to the development of children's personality, obtaining new information through playing, positive actions, relaxation, stimulating them and thus, developing their creative potential in a pleasant and easy way.

nonformal education, creativity, preschools

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