Aspecte teoretice și practice cu privire la dreptul de petiționare în Republica Moldova
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2023-12-14 15:20
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similare conform CZU
342.736(478) (1)
Drepturile fundamentale. Drepturile omului. Drepturi și îndatoriri ale cetățenilor (958)
SM ISO690:2012
BALTAGA, Ecaterina. Aspecte teoretice și practice cu privire la dreptul de petiționare în Republica Moldova. In: State, security and human rights: in condition of information society, 12-13 decembrie 2019, Chişinău. Chişinău: Tipografia Artpoligraf, 2020, pp. 101-109. ISBN 978-9975-3462-2-1.
EXPORT metadate:
Google Scholar

Dublin Core
State, security and human rights 2020
Conferința "Statul, securitatea şi drepturile omului în condiţiile societăţii informaţionale"
Chişinău, Moldova, 12-13 decembrie 2019

Aspecte teoretice și practice cu privire la dreptul de petiționare în Republica Moldova

Theoretical and practical aspects regarding the right to petition in the Republic of Moldova

CZU: 342.736(478)

Pag. 101-109

Baltaga Ecaterina
Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 7 martie 2021


The right to petition has a social function, which consists in establishing a constitutional guarantee by which citizens draw the attention of competent public authorities on concrete situations of infringement of legitimate rights and interests, without having to resort to the intervention of a court, thus being treated in the classical French constitutional doctrine as a constitutional guarantee for the defence of freedoms. The citizen who avails himself of this possibility is protected by the constitutional norm against any acts of persecution, sanction and punishment for the petitions addressed according to the law, and if the public authorities refuse to respond to the requests received in the form of petitions, their addressees can resort to the path of administrative litigation.

subjective law, constitutional law, political-legal values, the right to petition