Despre esenţa normelor conflictuale
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SM ISO690:2012
BONTEA, Oleg. Despre esenţa normelor conflictuale. In: Revista Naţională de Drept, 2007, nr. 2(77), pp. 38-41. ISSN 1811-0770.
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Revista Naţională de Drept
Numărul 2(77) / 2007 / ISSN 1811-0770 /ISSNe 2587-411X

Despre esenţa normelor conflictuale

Pag. 38-41

Bontea Oleg
Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 12 februarie 2021


The conflict norm is defining, be right what state should; is applied to data; is private to the legal relations; complicated by a foreign element. The main difference of conflict norm from other legal instructions - overcoming of a conflict problem by definition of an applicable law, i.e. the right; which is a subject application by virtue of the instruction of conflict norm. Conflict norms in International Private Law are norms of a special category, norm sending character. They have two features: first, the conflict norm does not adjust directly the right; also the duties of subjects of juridical relations, and only contain a principle, being guided; we can choose the right subject application; secondly, the effect of legal regulation by means of conflict norm is reached in aggregate with that material-juridical rule to which it sends.

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