Financial management of risks as a vital condition for the economic and financial stability for an enterprise
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005.915:658.14/.15 (1)
Tipuri de management (319)
Forme de întreprinderi. Finanțare (325)
SM ISO690:2012
ZUGRAV, Inga, POPA, Alina, CHIBERCEA-PAZURATI, Natalia. Financial management of risks as a vital condition for the economic and financial stability for an enterprise. In: Contemporary Issues in Economy and Technology: CIET 2016, 16-18 iunie 2016, Split. Split, Croatia: University of Split, 2016, Ediția a 2-a, pp. P-99-P-109. ISBN 978-953-7220-25-9.
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Contemporary Issues in Economy and Technology
Ediția a 2-a, 2016
Conferința "Contemporary Issues in Economy and Technology"
Split, Croația, 16-18 iunie 2016

Financial management of risks as a vital condition for the economic and financial stability for an enterprise

CZU: 005.915:658.14/.15

Pag. P-99-P-109

Zugrav Inga, Popa Alina, Chibercea-Pazurati Natalia
Trade Co-operative University of Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 8 decembrie 2020


Today, under the influence of the globalization process of the financial international markets and the instability of the global financial situation, sound financial management of enterprise risk is needed more than ever. The financial risks management objective consists in their minimization trough realizing a proper strategy for obtaining the financial stability of the enterprise. It is necessary to mention that the risk evaluation represents the quantitative calculation of the level of risk, of its characteristics, its causes, and possible consequences as a result of the influences on enterprise performance. An entrepreneur constantly faces problems regarding the elaboration of the strategy for avoiding the threat of a potential crisis situation. Therefore, the entrepreneur has to estimate the potential possibilities of a dangerous situation, to forecast the risk of apparition of insolvency or bankruptcy, to elaborate and to adopt measures in order to assure the financial stability of its activity.

financial risks, entrepreneur, strategy, insolvency, financial management