Utilizarea diferențiată a metodelor inovative în predare și evaluare
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2024-05-28 22:26
SM ISO690:2012
ROŞCA-SADURSCHI, Liudmila, ZBÎRCIOG, Tatiana. Utilizarea diferențiată a metodelor inovative în predare și evaluare. In: Inovaţia: factor al dezvoltării social-economice, 20 decembrie 2018, Cahul. Cahul, Republica Moldova: Universitatea de Stat „Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” din C, 2018, pp. 92-97. ISBN 978-9975-88-056-5.
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Inovaţia: factor al dezvoltării social-economice 2018
Conferința "Inovaţia: factor al dezvoltării social-economice"
Cahul, Moldova, 20 decembrie 2018

Utilizarea diferențiată a metodelor inovative în predare și evaluare

Pag. 92-97

Roşca-Sadurschi Liudmila1, Zbîrciog Tatiana2
1 Universitatea de Stat „Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu“, Cahul,
2 Colegiul „Iulia Hasdeu” din Cahul
Disponibil în IBN: 8 noiembrie 2020


The method used by the teacher should help students to find their right way to form their own knowledge. Thus, the student cognizes not only the subject of study, the field of application of knowledge, thus motivates the desire to learn, to learn and to choose the field or direction of research correctly. Each teacher, when choosing a training method, intends to clearly define the path to the realization of the goals set. The more interactive and effective the teaching and evaluation methods used by the teacher, the more interesting the learning process. Thus, education at different levels becomes more attractive, which contributes to the reduction of school dropouts, an increase in the number of students transferred from one level to another, an increase in the number of people with full-time education: professional, technical, higher. This increases the degree of intellectualization of the country

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