Rolul ONU în respectarea drepturilor omului în conflictele armate din sec. XXI
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2024-04-01 16:15
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327.5:341.231.14:341.123"20" (1)
Blocuri internaționale. (217)
Persoane și obiecte ale dreptului internațional (1010)
Dreptul organizațiilor internaționale (277)
SM ISO690:2012
MORARI, Anatolie. Rolul ONU în respectarea drepturilor omului în conflictele armate din sec. XXI. In: Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii de Stat din Moldova: . Ştiinţe juridice. Științe sociale, 26 septembrie 2020, Chișinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM, 2020, SJ, SS, pp. 296-299. ISBN 978-9975-152-40-2. ISSN 1857-3665.
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Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii de Stat din Moldova
SJ, SS, 2020
Conferința "Analele ştiinţifice ale USM. Ştiinţe juridice. Ştiinţe sociale"
Chișinău, Moldova, 26 septembrie 2020

Rolul ONU în respectarea drepturilor omului în conflictele armate din sec. XXI

CZU: 327.5:341.231.14:341.123"20"

Pag. 296-299

Morari Anatolie
Universitatea de Stat din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 27 octombrie 2020


At the present stage, in the complex set of realities, problems and desideratums that concern humanity today, human rights and freedoms occupy a central place. The affirmation of the concept of human rights is the result of a long dynamic process, during which the idea of respect of human rights found its consecration, overcoming totalitarian concept, which oppose both the recognition of equality between people and the defense and promotion of human rights. In this context, the concern for the protection of human rights, in the conditions of an armed conflict, and the research of the aspects related to the involvement of the responsibil institution for the protection of the humanitarian right still maintains its actuality . The above shows once again that the primary goal of international law remains the protection of the human being, especially during armed conflicts, when vulnerability is increased, and the reality proves that these concerns are always current.

Dublin Core Export

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<dc:creator>Morari, A.</dc:creator>
<dc:description xml:lang='en'><p>At the present stage, in the complex set of realities, problems and desideratums that concern humanity today, human rights and freedoms occupy a central place. The affirmation of the concept of human rights is the result of a long dynamic process, during which the idea of respect of human rights found its consecration, overcoming totalitarian concept, which oppose both the recognition of equality between people and the defense and promotion of human rights. In this context, the concern for the protection of human rights, in the conditions of an armed conflict, and the research of the aspects related to the involvement of the responsibil institution for the protection of the humanitarian right still maintains its actuality . The above shows once again that the primary goal of international law remains the protection of the human being, especially during armed conflicts, when vulnerability is increased, and the reality proves that these concerns are always current.</p></dc:description>
<dc:source>Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii de Stat din Moldova (SJ, SS) 296-299</dc:source>
<dc:title>Rolul ONU &icirc;n respectarea drepturilor omului &icirc;n conflictele armate din sec. XXI</dc:title>