Negustorii încadraţi în relaţiile comerciale dintre Imperiul Rus şi Principatul Moldovei (sfârşitul sec. XVIII – începutul sec. XIX)
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SM ISO690:2012
CEREŞ, Irina. Negustorii încadraţi în relaţiile comerciale dintre Imperiul Rus şi Principatul Moldovei (sfârşitul sec. XVIII – începutul sec. XIX). In: Studii de arhondologie şi genealogie, 17 octombrie 2015, Chişinău. Chişinău: Editura „Lexon-Prim”, 2015, Vol.3, pp. 8-16. ISBN 978-9975-3102-2-2.
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Studii de arhondologie şi genealogie
Vol.3, 2015
Conferința "Studii de arhondologie şi geneaologie"
Chişinău, Moldova, 17 octombrie 2015

Negustorii încadraţi în relaţiile comerciale dintre Imperiul Rus şi Principatul Moldovei (sfârşitul sec. XVIII – începutul sec. XIX)

The merchants involved framed in trade relations between the Russian Empire and the Principality of Moldova (end of the XVIII-th century – beginning of the XIX-th century)

Pag. 8-16

Cereş Irina1234
1 Institutul de Istorie al AŞM,
2 Universitatea de Stat din Moldova,
3 Universitatea din Bucureşti,
4 Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă“ din Chişinău
Disponibil în IBN: 18 octombrie 2020


In trade between the Principality of Moldova and the Russian Empire along with local merchants were involved and foreign traders, whose number prevail. Merchants aliens were exempt from tax benefits and commercial, has a number of privileges. Foreign merchants enjoyed a number of privileges, including 3% pay customs on import or export of goods, while local merchants pay 10% of cost of goods. The preponderance of merchants and craftsmen in the gubernatorial domestic Russian and Ukrainian in Moldova and the Romanian Country, occupied by the Russian armies, is the fact that they "...never and nowhere have not been subjected to any tax money and other benefits, but forever they were free trade relations without any restrictions". The local merchants to benefit from trade privileges have resorted to various strategies. A frequent method was the demand of the Russian and Austrian consular protection, which enables them to obtain the status of „Sudiţi”. However, the main role in trade relations between the Principality of Moldova and the Russian Empire has returned foreign merchants.