Teoria și metodologia generală a creativității
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2024-05-25 13:57
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81:1 (17)
Lingvistică. Limbi (5177)
SM ISO690:2012
BOTEZATU, Liuba. Teoria și metodologia generală a creativității. In: Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură , Ed. 1, 15 februarie 2019, Comrat. Comrat, Republica Moldova: Universitatea de Stat din Comrat, 2019, Vol.2, pp. 211-221. ISBN 978-9975-83-085-0.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură
Vol.2, 2019
Conferința "Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură"
1, Comrat, Moldova, 15 februarie 2019

Teoria și metodologia generală a creativității

CZU: 81:1

Pag. 211-221

Botezatu Liuba
Universitatea de Stat din Comrat
Disponibil în IBN: 29 mai 2020


TGC (Annex N1) focuses on the interactive binomial of the two technologies of modernity-postmodernity in action (theory and methodology of the teaching of formative potentials / Appendix N2 - the theory and methodology of evidence of axiological compliances / Annex N3) in triple-exertional content: education, culture , research. It is the convention of training the professional culture in the applied philological-centered key as the interactivity of the six theories of identity creativity in the prevalence of the manifestation of the flair of the console and the six theories of the ascendant education as the paidea art in practice: syntaxological-analytical analysis; specific interpretive style.

creativity, creativity, intelligence, Interpretive Style, TGC = PAG-MVPFMECA

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