Evoluţia acizilor organici şi a glucidelor în struguri
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634.86:664.856 (2)
Viticultură. Viță de vie. Vii (641)
Conservarea substanţelor alimentare organice (în general.) Conservarea produselor din plante, a produselor vegetale (95)
SM ISO690:2012
GOLUBI, Roman. Evoluţia acizilor organici şi a glucidelor în struguri. In: Pomicultura, Viticultura şi Vinificaţia, 2015, nr. 1(55), pp. 34-37. ISSN 1857-3142.
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Pomicultura, Viticultura şi Vinificaţia
Numărul 1(55) / 2015 / ISSN 1857-3142

Evoluţia acizilor organici şi a glucidelor în struguri

CZU: 634.86:664.856

Pag. 34-37

Golubi Roman
Institutul Ştiinţifico-Practic de Horticultură şi Tehnologii Alimentare
Disponibil în IBN: 15 aprilie 2020


The importance of cultivating grapes for the economy of Republic Moldova was presented and it is established that Vitis Labrusca varieties, unsolicited în winemaking, can serve raw material to obtain non-alcoholic foods. Detailed study of the main nutrients evolution in grape was performed by applying HPLC and UV-VIS spectrophotometry methods. The experimental results showed during ripening a signifi cant reduction of organic acids – malic, tartaric, citric and an intense accumulation of sugars – fructose and glucose in berries juice. Depending on the content of these components deciding the begin of grape harvest in the manufacture of expected food: acidulants and juices.

grapes organic acids, sugars, acidulants

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<cfTitle cfLangCode='RO' cfTrans='o'>Evoluţia acizilor organici şi a glucidelor &icirc;n struguri</cfTitle>
<cfKeyw cfLangCode='RO' cfTrans='o'>grapes organic acids; sugars; acidulants</cfKeyw>
<cfAbstr cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'><p>The importance of cultivating grapes for the economy of Republic Moldova was presented and it is established that Vitis Labrusca varieties, unsolicited &icirc;n winemaking, can serve raw material to obtain non-alcoholic foods. Detailed study of the main nutrients evolution in grape was performed by applying HPLC and UV-VIS spectrophotometry methods. The experimental results showed during ripening a signifi cant reduction of organic acids &ndash; malic, tartaric, citric and an intense accumulation of sugars &ndash; fructose and glucose in berries juice. Depending on the content of these components deciding the begin of grape harvest in the manufacture of expected food: acidulants and juices.</p></cfAbstr>