Paşaportul ecologic al soiului de viţă-de-vie prezentabil
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634.8:663.21:631.95 (4)
Viticultură. Viță de vie. Vii (641)
Vin. Producerea vinului. Oenologie (450)
Agricultură în general (3172)
SM ISO690:2012
CHISILI, Mihail, CHISILI, Serghei, BONDARENCO, Iurie, DUMITRAŞ, Angela, DADU, Vitalie. Paşaportul ecologic al soiului de viţă-de-vie prezentabil. In: Pomicultura, Viticultura şi Vinificaţia, 2015, nr. 1(55), pp. 32-33. ISSN 1857-3142.
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Dublin Core
Pomicultura, Viticultura şi Vinificaţia
Numărul 1(55) / 2015 / ISSN 1857-3142

Paşaportul ecologic al soiului de viţă-de-vie prezentabil

CZU: 634.8:663.21:631.95

Pag. 32-33

Chisili Mihail, Chisili Serghei, Bondarenco Iurie, Dumitraş Angela, Dadu Vitalie
Institutul Ştiinţifico-Practic de Horticultură şi Tehnologii Alimentare
Disponibil în IBN: 15 aprilie 2020


Marketability of table grapes, its quality indicators are determined by the composition of the structural elements of the cluster: combs, seeds, pulp and peel. Percentage ratio between them varies not only depending on the variety, but also on the degree of ripeness of the grapes and environmental conditions for its growth. Diff erent ratio between the structural components of the cluster and the chemical composition of berries has great importance for the formation of qualitative indicators of table grapes, as well as determine its transportable properties. Marketability of table grapes is determined by the composition of the structural elements of the berry, as well as the comfort of natural growth conditions of the territory.

Table grapes, ecologic passport, ampelography, climate, relief, soils, active temperatures, minimal temperatures, hidrothermal coeffi cient