
Afiliat la Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei

2023 - 3

Использование флуоресцентного метода в экологических исследованиях растений винограда
Derendovscaia Antonina , Gribcova Ana
Sectorul agroalimentar – realizări și perspective
2023. Chişinău. "Print-Caro" SRL. 60-62.
Disponibil online 20 March, 2023
Особенности действия бав на проявление бессемянности у столовых семенных сортов винограда
Derendovscaia Antonina , Secrieru Silvia , Gheorghieva Tatiana
Sectorul agroalimentar – realizări și perspective
2023. Chişinău. "Print-Caro" SRL. 122-123.
Disponibil online 20 March, 2023
Influence of growth regulators of steroid nature on productivity and quality of winter barley grain
Secrieru Silvia , Derendovscaia Antonina
Modern Trends in the Agricultural Higher Education dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the founding of higher agricultural education in the Republic of Moldova
2023. Chişinău. Tehnica-UTM. 26-26.
Disponibil online 18 December, 2023

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