
Afiliat la Institutul de Fizică Aplicată, USM

2023 - 9

Input of Moldova in shaping modern electrochemical science and technology
Dicusar Alexandr , Cuharuc Anatolii , Ţînţaru Natalia
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry
Nr. 3(27) / 2023 / ISSN 1432-8488 / ISSNe 1433-0768
Disponibil online 10 April, 2023
Interrelation between the Composition of Steel Treated by Electrospark Alloying and the Properties of Resulting Composite Surface
Bencovschii Iu. , Croitoru Dumitru , Petrenko Vladimir , Stoicev Petru , Iurcenco Evghenii , Dicusar Alexandr
Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry
Vol. 59, Nr. 1 / 2023 / ISSN 1068-3755 / ISSNe 1934-8002
Disponibil online 4 May, 2023
Synthesis, Wear and Corrosion of Novel Electrospark and Electrospark–Electrochemical Hybrid Coatings Based on Carbon Steels
Bencovschii Iu. , Ţînţaru Natalia , Silkin Serghei , Petrenko Vladimir , Pakstas Vidas , Cesiulis Henrikas , Dicusar Alexandr
Vol. 11, / 2023 / ISSN 2075-4442
Disponibil online 7 June, 2023
Effect of the Structure of Passive Oxide Films and Surface Temperature on the Rate of Anodic Dissolution of Chromium–Nickel and Titanium Alloys in Electrolytes for Electrochemical Machining: Part 1. Anodic Dissolution of Chromium–Nickel Steel in a Nitrate Solution
Dicusar Alexandr , Likrizon E.
Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry
Vol. 59, / 2023 / ISSN 1068-3755 / ISSNe 1934-8002
Disponibil online 8 June, 2023
Анодное растворение поверхностных слоев как метод повышения микротвердости покрытий сплавами металлов группы железа с вольфрамом, получаемых индуцированным соосаждением
Belevschi Stanislav , Goteleac A. , Ivaşcu Serghei , Covalenco Chirill , Dicusar Alexandr
Электронная обработка материалов
Nr. 3(59) / 2023 / ISSN 0013-5739 / ISSNe 2345-1718
Disponibil online 21 June, 2023
Effect of Passive Oxide Film Structure and Surface Temperature on the Rate of Anodic Dissolution of Chromium-Nickel and Titanium Alloys in Electrolytes for Electrochemical Machining: Part 2. Anodic Dissolution of Titanium Alloys in Nitrate and Chloride Solutions
Likrizon E. , Silkin Serghei , Dicusar Alexandr
Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry
Vol. 59, / 2023 / ISSN 1068-3755 / ISSNe 1934-8002
Disponibil online 26 July, 2023
Состав, структура, износостойкость поверхностных наноструктур, получаемых при электроискровом легировании стали 65Г
Iurcenco Evghenii , Ghilețchii Gheorghe , Vatavu Sergiu , Petrenko Vladimir , Harea Diana , Bubulincă C. , Dicusar Alexandr
Электронная обработка материалов
Vol. 59, Nr. 5 / 2023 / ISSN 0013-5739 / ISSNe 2345-1718
Disponibil online 31 October, 2023
Влияние площади поверхности на скорость электроосаждения, состав и микротвердость Сo–W покрытий, осажденных из цитратной ванны
Goteleac A. , Dicusar Alexandr
Электронная обработка материалов
Nr. 6(59) / 2023 / ISSN 0013-5739 / ISSNe 2345-1718
Disponibil online 29 December, 2023
Macroscopic Size Effect in the Composition and Properties of Alloys of Iron Group Metals with Tungsten Prepared by Induced Codeposition: Alloy Deposition Mechanism and Its Implications
Dicusar Alexandr , Belevschi Stanislav
Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry
Vol. 59, / 2023 / ISSN 1068-3755 / ISSNe 1934-8002
Disponibil online 28 December, 2023

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