
Afisarea articolelor -19-0(2) pentru cuvîntul-cheie "temperature"
The influence of thermal variations on the incidence of rabies in animal biodiversity
Balacci Serghei, Balan Ion, Buzan Vladimir, Roşca Nicolae
Institute of Physiology and Sanocreatology
Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture
Ed. 1, Section 3. 2022. București, România. ISSN 2457-3221 ISSN-L 2457-3221.
Disponibil online 28 November, 2022. Descarcări-0. Vizualizări-326
Resistance properties of the organism under the influence of the mineral premix "PMVS" and thermal factors
Balacci Serghei
Institute of Physiology and Sanocreatology
Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture
Ed. 1, Section 3. 2022. București, România. ISSN 2457-3221 ISSN-L 2457-3221.
Disponibil online 28 November, 2022. Descarcări-0. Vizualizări-285

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