
Afișare rezultate

SM ISO690:2012
Afisarea articolelor 21-2(2) pentru cuvîntul-cheie "houses"
Complex investigations of defensive systems, production complexes and remains of constructions on the tripolye site near the village of Nebelevka
Videiko Mihail1, Chapman John Charles2, Burdo Natalia1, Gaydarska Bisserka2, Terna Stanislav3, Rud Vitali1, Kiosak Dmitrii4
1 Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
2 University of Durham,
3 University of High Anthropological School,
4 Odesa I.I.Mechnikov National University
Stratum plus
Nr. 2 / 2015 / ISSN 1608-9057 /ISSNe 1857-3533
Disponibil online 7 May, 2023. Descarcări-0. Vizualizări-211
Правовое регулирование порядка приватизации жилых помещений и приусадебных земельных участков
Sosna Alexandru
Институт юридических и политических исследований AHM
Supremația Dreptului
Nr. 2 / 2016 / ISSN 2345-1971 /ISSNe 2587-4128
Disponibil online 24 September, 2021. Descarcări-1. Vizualizări-380

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