Sustainable use, protection of animal world and forest management in the context of climate changeBiologie .
Evolution of Stereonychus fraxini in ash woods from the Republic of Moldova in 2015
Mocreac (Stahi) Nadejda, Bulgaru Vladimir, Erşova Elena, Vasilciuc Serghei
Forest Research and Management Institute, Chisinau
Sustainable use, protection of animal world and forest management in the context of climate change
Ediția 9. 2016. Chișinău. ISBN 978-9975-3022-7-2.
Territorial behavior  strategies of the common newt male (Triturus vulgaris l.)  in the ecosystems of central forest
Toderash Ion1, Plop Larisa2, Cozari Tudor3
1 Institute of Zoology ASM,
2 Military Academy of the Armed Forces “Alexandru cel Bun”,
3 Tiraspol State University
Sustainable use, protection of animal world and forest management in the context of climate change
Ediția 9. 2016. Chișinău. ISBN 978-9975-3022-7-2.
Contributions to the knowledge of the Lepidoptera fauna (insecta) of the nature forest reserve “Cobileni”
Ţugulea (Hacina) Cristina
Institute of Zoology ASM
Sustainable use, protection of animal world and forest management in the context of climate change
Ediția 9. 2016. Chișinău. ISBN 978-9975-3022-7-2.
Rare species of plants and animals identified on the territory of Soroca and Stefan Voda districts from Moldova
Ungureanu Laurenţia1, Enciu-Baban Elena1, Titică Ghenadie2, Nistreanu Victoria1, Bogdea Larisa1, Rotaru Alexandru2
1 Institute of Zoology ASM,
2 Botanical Garden (Institute) of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
Sustainable use, protection of animal world and forest management in the context of climate change
Ediția 9. 2016. Chișinău. ISBN 978-9975-3022-7-2.
Scientific substantiation conservation status of terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates list of community in order to develop plans of management of natural parks, national and natura 2000 sites in Romania
Ciubuc Constantin
University of Bucharest
Sustainable use, protection of animal world and forest management in the context of climate change
Ediția 9. 2016. Chișinău. ISBN 978-9975-3022-7-2.
Effectiveness of ivermectiged 1% to some ecto- and endo- parasitosis in sheep
Enciu Valeriu1, Cercel Ilie1, Naforniţa Nicolae1, Buza Vasile2, Ciobanu Nicolae1, Didoruc Sergiu1, Tomița Irina3
1 State Agrarian University of Moldova ,
2 Institute of Zoology ASM,
3 Euro Prime Farmaceuticals SRL
Sustainable use, protection of animal world and forest management in the context of climate change
Ediția 9. 2016. Chișinău. ISBN 978-9975-3022-7-2.

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