Mobilitatea unor ioni ai metalelor grele la interfaţa apă – sediment
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similare conform CZU
502.51:504.5 (10)
Natura. Studiul și conservarea naturii. Protecția naturii și a animalelor sălbatice. (702)
Știința mediului înconjurător (936)
SM ISO690:2012
TĂRÎŢĂ, Anatolie, LOZAN, Raisa, SANDU, Maria, BRAŞOVEANU, Valeriu, MOŞANU, Elena. Mobilitatea unor ioni ai metalelor grele la interfaţa apă – sediment. In: Agronomie şi agroecologie, 1 ianuarie 2018, Chişinău. Chişinău: Centrul editorial UASM, 2018, Vol.52(1), pp. 492-497. ISBN 978-.
EXPORT metadate:
Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Agronomie şi agroecologie
Vol.52(1), 2018
Simpozionul "„85 ani ai Facultăţii de Agronomie – realizări şi perspective”, dedicat aniversării a 85 de ani de la fondarea Universităţii Agrare de Stat din Moldova"
Chişinău, Moldova, 1 ianuarie 2018

Mobilitatea unor ioni ai metalelor grele la interfaţa apă – sediment

CZU: 502.51:504.5

Pag. 492-497

Tărîţă Anatolie, Lozan Raisa, Sandu Maria, Braşoveanu Valeriu, Moşanu Elena
Institutul de Ecologie şi Geografie
Disponibil în IBN: 10 decembrie 2019


At the European level, Council Directive 2006/11/EC serve as the legal basis for assessing the impact of heavy metals on the aquatic ecosystems. Directive 2006/11/EC distributes heavy metals by toxicity, persistence and bioaccumulation in the groups of substances with harmful effects on the aquatic environment (zinc, copper, chromium, nickel, lead, selenium, arsenic, antimony, molybdenum, titanium, barium, beryllium, boron, uranium, vanadium, cobalt, thallium, tellurium and silver). Present work presents data on the content of the summary of some heavy metals in water and in aquatic sediments in some small rivers (river Ichel, section – village Ratuş; river Camenca, section – village Gura Cainarului; river Raut, section - village Paharniceni and upstream of Orhei sity; river Căinar, section – village Gura Căinarului) and same lakes from the Republic of Moldova. For conclusion it can be said that detected concentrations were background. The content of HM in aquatic sediments (small rivers) show low values and their concentration nor exceed MAC.

heavy metals, small rivers and lakes, aquatic sediments