Efectul propagandei asupra statelor în proces de modernizare
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2024-03-18 21:41
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316.653+32.019.51 (5)
Psihologie socială (1002)
Politică (2983)
SM ISO690:2012
BECCIU, Sorin. Efectul propagandei asupra statelor în proces de modernizare. In: Revista Militară. Studii de securitate şi apărare, 2018, nr. 1(19), pp. 62-68. ISSN 1857-405X.
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Dublin Core
Revista Militară. Studii de securitate şi apărare
Numărul 1(19) / 2018 / ISSN 1857-405X

Efectul propagandei asupra statelor în proces de modernizare

Effect of propaganda on the states  in the process of modernization

CZU: 316.653+32.019.51

Pag. 62-68

Becciu Sorin
Institutul de Cercetări Juridice, Politice și Sociologice
Disponibil în IBN: 8 februarie 2019


The appearance of propaganda phenomenon is analysed in this article. Although information plays an important role since the ancient times, in the post-truth epoch it manages to produce the major changes. Following the English-Saxonian and Latin countries’ traditions, one can observe that propaganda is an instrument that can be used according to some interests. The research tries to identify why the number of propagandistic materials had rised in the XXth century. The series of the theories are touched upon, such as behaviorism, spiral of science or crowd psychology, to explain the mechanisms of propaganda functioning. The knowledge of the mechanisms can create the immunity towards the black propaganda, and the citizens of certain countries, such as the Republic of Moldova, can be protected against its effects

propaganda, information, manipulation, spiral of science, behaviorism, crowd psychology, PSYOPS, censorship