Information and Communication Technology in Urban Electric Transportation
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004.9:656 (4)
Informatică aplicată. Tehnici bazate pe calculator cu aplicații practice (449)
Transport și servicii poștale. Organizarea și controlul circulației (278)
SM ISO690:2012
NUCA, Ilie, NUCA, Iurie, MOTROI, Alexandru, EŞANU, Vitalie. Information and Communication Technology in Urban Electric Transportation. In: Analele Universitatii din Craiova - Seria Inginerie electrica, 2015, nr. 1(39), pp. 150-156. ISSN 1842-4805.
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Analele Universitatii din Craiova - Seria Inginerie electrica
Numărul 1(39) / 2015 / ISSN 1842-4805

Information and Communication Technology in Urban Electric Transportation

CZU: 004.9:656

Pag. 150-156

Nuca Ilie1, Nuca Iurie2, Motroi Alexandru2, Eşanu Vitalie2
1 Technical University of Moldova,
2 Technical Scientific Company “Informbusiness”
Disponibil în IBN: 8 iunie 2023


This paper is a first attempt at assessing the impact of information and communication technology in transport, with an accent on electric public transportation. Information and communication technology is present in all spheres of human activity. Transport systems are made of vehicles and infrastructure. Modern vehicles are filled with complex technology, such as electric drives, mechatronics, artificial intelligence and information and communication technology. And the infrastructure currently numbers only the roads and traffic lights, but the evolution of things leads to Intelligent Transport System. A technology that would connect vehicles and infrastructure to make transportation on land safer and more efficient. Electric vehicles require special attention to motor control. Power converters driven by intelligent modules allow an efficient control of the motor. A series of electronic systems for trolleybus and tram control, the SDMC, were made in Chiinău by the Informbusiness Company. The SDMC systems are intelligent system, built on microprocessors and CAN communication protocol. Modern ICT technology allows simultaneously to ensures diagnostics, monitoring and protection of all components; to store the current state of the elements; to provide information means for the driver and passengers and ensure good function of complex control algorithms. Information technology is present also in intelligent transportation systems with smart or even driverless vehicles. Technologies such as GPS and Wireless Networking allow optimizing urban transport, and are basic stones in the future of transport, which includes Intelligent Transport Systems and Driverless vehicles.

Electric vehicle, information and communication technology, control, communication protocol, efficiency, intelligent transport system, driverless vehicle