Impactul migraţiei asupra socializării politice în familie (cazul Republicii Moldova)
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SM ISO690:2012
STAN, Valentina, PÎRŢAC, Grigore. Impactul migraţiei asupra socializării politice în familie (cazul Republicii Moldova). In: Современные миграционные процессы: сoстояние и основные формы, 17 decembrie 2015, Tiraspol. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Organizația Internațională pentru Migrație, Misiunea în Moldova, 2016, pp. 127-132.
EXPORT metadate:
Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Современные миграционные процессы: сoстояние и основные формы 2016
Seminarul "Современные миграционные процессы: сoстояние и основные формы"
Tiraspol, Moldova, 17 decembrie 2015

Impactul migraţiei asupra socializării politice în familie (cazul Republicii Moldova)

Pag. 127-132

Stan Valentina, Pîrţac Grigore
Universitatea de Stat din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 5 octombrie 2021


In the process of radical transformation of contemporaneous society the all social and politi-cal structure has modified, all political and social institutes inclusively family has modified, too. Family, as an integral part of social system, reflects all the process, which take place in society. In the Republic of Moldova which is a systemically crisis, the family is included in this pro-cess, too. Because the family is the basic institute which is accountable for political socialization pro-cess, in the Republic of Moldova a special attention is given to family. In the family young people receive those emotional conditions, that knowledge and formation of abilities, that far are on the base of process of socialization and political socialization, as a process of formation political culture and general human culture.

social policy, migration, contributing civic, political education, resocialization