Filmul documentar din perspectiva valorificării și salvgardării patrimoniului cultural-artistic
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477 40
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2023-12-10 12:08
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791.43-92 (22)
Divertisment. Jocuri. Sport (1739)
SM ISO690:2012
OLĂRESCU, Dumitru. Filmul documentar din perspectiva valorificării și salvgardării patrimoniului cultural-artistic. In: Studii culturale, Ed. 1, 26 septembrie 2019, Chişinău. Chişinău: „Grafema Libris” SRL, 2020, Editia 1, Vol.1, pp. 57-63. ISBN 978-9975-52-214-4.
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Dublin Core
Studii culturale
Editia 1, Vol.1, 2020
Simpozionul "Studii culturale"
1, Chişinău, Moldova, 26 septembrie 2019

Filmul documentar din perspectiva valorificării și salvgardării patrimoniului cultural-artistic

The documentary film from the perspective of the valuation and safeguarding of the artistic cultural heritage

CZU: 791.43-92

Pag. 57-63

Olărescu Dumitru
Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural
Disponibil în IBN: 7 decembrie 2020


The synthetic nature of the film and the development of technologies and techniques of the film industry have conditioned the rapid and complex comprehension of the audiovisual information. The ability of penetrating all areas of life with the camera made it possible to include them in a discourse possessing an expressive and accessible language. All these create premises for the documentary film to become an important environment for the perception and expression of the world, currently constituting one of the most important ways of preserving, researching and exploiting the various historical, social, ethnographic and cultural-artistic phenomena. The documentaries that fix and study the ethnological and ethnographic phenomena can serve as example: Maria sa Hora (its Majesty Hora) and Ecoul văii fierbinți (The Echo of the Hot Valley) by Emil Loteanu, De sărbători (Malanca) (On holidays) and Dansuri de toamnă (Autumn Dances) by Vlad Ioviță. La Horă (At the Hora) and Vine nunta (The wedding is Coming) by Andrei Buruiană, Ploi de dor (Longing Rains), Goblen (Needlework), Firul viu, ...și obosite mâinile tale (The living thread, ...and your tired hands) by Vlad Druc, Ornamente (Ornaments) by Ion Mija and other films, which showed the great possibilities in capturing the audiovisual complexity of these phenomena, their dramaturgy, the colors and the fabrics of the clothing, the props and many other details and significant elements for the image of our national identity, which the film is able to fix in all their integrity and splendor, also solving partially the problem of safeguarding our cultural-artistic.

documentary film, valuation, safeguarding, cinematic language, cultural-artistic heritage