Piesele lui Constantin Cheianu pe scenele teatrelor naționale și internaționale la intersecția dintre secole
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792.071.1(478)+821.135.1-2(478).09(092) (1)
Teatru. Artă scenică. Reprezentații teatrale (547)
Literatură romanică balcanică (Literatură română) (2246)
SM ISO690:2012
KHALIL-BUTUCIOC, Dorina. Piesele lui Constantin Cheianu pe scenele teatrelor naționale și internaționale la intersecția dintre secole. In: Studii culturale, Ed. 1, 26 septembrie 2019, Chişinău. Chişinău: „Grafema Libris” SRL, 2020, Editia 1, Vol.1, pp. 64-75. ISBN 978-9975-52-214-4.
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Studii culturale
Editia 1, Vol.1, 2020
Simpozionul "Studii culturale"
1, Chişinău, Moldova, 26 septembrie 2019

Piesele lui Constantin Cheianu pe scenele teatrelor naționale și internaționale la intersecția dintre secole

Constantin Cheianu’ plays on the stages of national and international theaters at the intersection between centuries

CZU: 792.071.1(478)+821.135.1-2(478).09(092)

Pag. 64-75

Khalil-Butucioc Dorina
Asociația Internațională a Criticilor de Teatru, Germania
Disponibil în IBN: 7 decembrie 2020


Many of the plays of the playwright Constantin Cheianu were staged both in the country and abroad. In the last decade of the past century, the dramatic work Noi was staged by Mihai Fusu at the “Luceafărul” Theater in 1995, Plasatoarele – by Sandu Cozub at “E. Ionesco” in 1998, Luministul – by Mihai Ţărnă at the National Theater “V. Alecsandri” from Balti in 1999. The dramatic works Achitarea lui Salieri (1998) and Luministul (2000) were staged on Radio Romania Cultural by Mihai Lungeanu. In the first years of the 21st century, the text Luna la Monkberry is staged by Alexandru Grecu at the Satiricus Theater ”I. L. Caragiale” in 2006; In container – as a Reading show at the Szene Moldau Festival in Dresden, Germany, in 2008, directed by the author at the Poetic Theater „A. Mateevici” from Chisinau in 2007, by Cristian Ban at “Odeon” Theater in Bucharest and Radu Gilaș at Ateneu Tătăraşi in Iasi in 2009; the play Volodea, Volodea... – by A. Grecu at “I. L. Caragiale” Satiricus Theater and by Claudiu Goga at the National Theater “V. Alecsandri” from Iasi in 2009; Cu bunelul ce facem? and Ţara asta a uitat de noi – by A. Grecu at I. L. Caragiale” Satiricus Theater in 2010 and 2011, respectively. These stagings reveal the reflection of the original artistic visions and formulations by both the playwright and the directors. Thus, the plays of C. Cheianu and the shows based on them occupy their place in the periodic picture of the national and universal cultural values.

play, show, playwright, director, theater, staging