Abordări conceptuale cu privire la cetăţenie prin prisma protecţiei diplomatice a naţionalilor în dreptul internaţional public şi asigurarea drepturilor omului
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Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-04-26 10:41
SM ISO690:2012
ZAHARIA, Virginia, LUCA, Ala. Abordări conceptuale cu privire la cetăţenie prin prisma protecţiei diplomatice a naţionalilor în dreptul internaţional public şi asigurarea drepturilor omului. In: Dezvoltarea inovativă, colaborativă, incluzivă a cooperativelor: teorie, practică, perspective: Conferinţa ştiinţifico-practică internaţională, Ed. 1, 13-14 septembrie 2018, Chişinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Univ. Cooperatist-Comercială din Moldova, 2018, V.1, pp. 222-229. ISBN 978-9975-3272-5-1.
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Dublin Core
Dezvoltarea inovativă, colaborativă, incluzivă a cooperativelor: teorie, practică, perspective
V.1, 2018
Conferința "Dezvoltarea inovativă, colaborativă, incluzivă a cooperativelor: teorie, practică, perspective"
1, Chişinău, Moldova, 13-14 septembrie 2018

Abordări conceptuale cu privire la cetăţenie prin prisma protecţiei diplomatice a naţionalilor în dreptul internaţional public şi asigurarea drepturilor omului

Pag. 222-229

Zaharia Virginia, Luca Ala
Universitatea Cooperatist-Comercială din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 1 februarie 2020


The institution of diplomatic protection serves for certain essential purposes to the international community, representing a right of the state to act by diplomatic and peaceful means in order to protect the interests of its citizens abroad, who have been prejudiced or their fundamental rights have been violated. In the area of diplomatic protection, the link to citizenship implies the involvement of several elements, including the attribution of citizenship as the connection between the individual and the state (birth or naturalization). Public international law operates in two ways of acquiring citizenship: the acquisition of the nationality by birth and the derived acquisition, such as the acquisition of citizenship of a state on demand, or the acquisition of citizenship in the case of successions of states. For the purpose of diplomatic protection, birth and naturalization - are generally accepted and sufficient links for granting citizenship.  

citizenship, diplomatic protection, public international law, human rights, citizen, individual, state