Eficienţa şi eficacitatea în sectorul public prin prisma responsabilităţii sociale
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005.35:35.07(478) (1)
Activități manageriale (438)
Administrație publică. Conducere administrativă. Armată. Artă militară (2689)
SM ISO690:2012
BUTNARU, Veronica. Eficienţa şi eficacitatea în sectorul public prin prisma responsabilităţii sociale. In: Consolidarea administraţiei publice locale şi perspectivele Europene ale Republicii Moldova: conferinţă ştiinţifico-practică internaţională , 23 noiembrie 2018, Chişinău. Chişinău: Tipogr. Garomont Studio, 2018, pp. 110-114. ISBN 978-9975-134-20-0.
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Dublin Core
Consolidarea administraţiei publice locale şi perspectivele Europene ale Republicii Moldova 2018
Conferința "Consolidarea administraţiei publice locale şi perspectivele Europene ale Republicii Moldova"
Chişinău, Moldova, 23 noiembrie 2018

Eficienţa şi eficacitatea în sectorul public prin prisma responsabilităţii sociale

CZU: 005.35:35.07(478)

Pag. 110-114

Butnaru Veronica
Academia de Administrare Publică, Republica Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 5 ianuarie 2020


In the public sector, efficiency is measured by the degree of serving the citizen, which becomes "the clients" of the institution. An organization is efficient if the employees are efficient. Efficiency means discipline and competence, reliability and promptitude, organization and accountability of the public institutions in solving the problems and needs of the citizens. Effectiveness and efficiency are essential features required for the civil servants. With the growth and diversification of the citizen‟s requirements, it is necessary to increase efficiency and effectiveness in the public sector.  

public sector, effectiveness, efficiency, accountability, budgetary expenditure, social responsability

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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>In the public sector, efficiency is measured by the degree of serving the citizen, which becomes &quot;the clients&quot; of the institution. An organization is efficient if the employees are efficient. Efficiency means discipline and competence, reliability and promptitude, organization and accountability of the public institutions in solving the problems and needs of the citizens. Effectiveness and efficiency are essential features required for the civil servants. With the growth and diversification of the citizen‟s requirements, it is necessary to increase efficiency and effectiveness in the public sector. &nbsp;</p></description>